Month: June 2019

  • Cancer Monthly Horoscope | June 2019

    It’s the Summer solstice, which can only mean one thing – it’s your birthday! As the month commences you feel the need to stay in your shell. A rest will serve you well – this is a month of planning as curious Mercury cruises through your sign from the 4th, bringing with him a thirst for…

  • Leo Monthly Horoscope | June 2019

    When the Sun is shining you feel alive, so take the opportunity to enjoy socialising with friends and get in the pub garden rather than forcing yourself to work too hard. The 9th is a great day to reach for the ‘social lubricant’ though with nebulous Neptune creating friction, it might end up torrential –…

  • Virgo Monthly Horoscope | June 2019

    Your ruling planet cerebral Mercury steams through 3 signs this month giving you a lot to make sense of. As your people skills are on point, your ability to inspire others approaching the 3rd gives them total faith in you. This could lead to some extremely positive opportunities, particularly through your social group and community,…