Month: June 2019

  • Aries Monthly Horoscope | June 2019

    You’re feeling poised for the challenge this month as the Sun takes it’s annual journey in the depths of your subconscious from the 21st. Yup – that’s the Summer Solstice. As the Sun moves through the emotional cave of your being, your pull towards family, home and roots will be heightened. In addition to the…

  • Taurus Monthly Horoscope | June 2019

    Your attention is drawn to finances at the start of June, and you may need to consolidate your debts to balance the books. Fortunately, you regain a sense of security this month which you’ve not felt for quite some time – Hooray! Attractive Venus enters your funds and ownership zone from the 9th and at…

  • Gemini Monthly Horoscope | June 2019

    Hold tight! This is a high energy month with a lot of twists and turns. Managed correctly you will emerge feeling empowered! You hit the ground running which is such a welcome change after feeling stuck in a rut for so long. A shift in perspective gives you hope and frees you from what once…