January 21-February 19

As Jupiter leaves your social zone, you’ll be drawn towards projects that feed the soul and reduce your carbon footprint as you wake up to ideas bigger than yourself. 

Involvement in charity, humanitarian or service-oriented work could enrich your life over the next year as a sense of social responsibility fuels you. 

Travel might feature in your life, and the urge to relocate will give you food for thought during 2020, as will connecting people from great distances.

You may call in some help from the communities you’ve developed over the past few years and you may also be drawn to developing your skills and self-discipline through meditation retreats, workshops, or classes.

You’ll feel compelled to dedicate your time to healing work on a personal and global level, and to do your bit during these ecologically conscious and politically charged times approaching. 

This horoscope was originally created for The Ethical Hedonist Magazine.

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