2019 starts with a bang as your ruling planet Mars moves into Aries on the 1st of Jan, giving you a rocket pack to attack the many challenges for you to conquer!
Eclipse season accelerates your reputation and aspirations zone, highlighting the way you want to be seen; be careful not to publicly reveal a part of yourself which you’d rather keep hidden.
The Full Moon and total Lunar Eclipse occurs in your creativity zone, giving you permission to discover your inner child and embrace some of the simple pleasures in life. Being with people you share interests with, you are able to showcase your unique gifts with others.
Fuelling the chance to see your efforts reap a financial reward during January, when the sun shifts into Aquarius you will notice that you are able to able to perfect the work you are doing.
The Full Moon and total lunar eclipse may lead you to feel as though you lose momentum when driving forward, when if fact this is a perfect opportunity to slow down and fine tune your efforts, to get a better results.
It might feel like a period of frustration or low energy, so give yourself permission to get some rest. You’ll need it as the rest of the month you’ll be full of beans and aiming for the finish line!
Poignant dates for Aries
08) Mercury square Mars
14) ¼ Moon 23°48’ Aries at 06:46
18) Venus trine Mars
21) Mars square Saturn | Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse 0°52’ Leo
22) Mars semi-sextile Neptune
23) Sun quintile Mars
25) Mars square Jupiter
27) Mercury quintile Mars | ¾ Moon 7°38’ Scorpio at 21:10
Read more:
Venus Retrograde 2018 | Bipolarity And Lacking Clarity
Mars Retrograde 2018 | The Peak of the Furnace
Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It
Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom
Mercury Retrograde November 2018 | Hammer Of The Gods