March 21-April 20

Life is a mystery and sometimes Aries gets so preoccupied with winning, he forgets why he entered the race in the first place!

It’s easy to think you’ve got it all figured out, but every now and then you have to take a break to get your bearings. 

Mercury retrograde is a period of introspection and for you, is moving through your psycho-analytical sector – you can’t hide from your deepest truths.

Take some you-time to recalibrate your inner compass. If your current strategy isn’t working, there’s no shame in starting fresh on a new path. 

As Mars penetrates your subconscious realm, let go of preconceptions – you could arrive on the other side a completely different person with a whole new perspective on life.

This horoscope was originally written for The Ethical Hedonist Magazine

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