Your ruling planet Mars finally leaves Aquarius after being there for what seems like forever! It’s been a great time for working with concepts, networking and socialising, connecting with your collective, but now, it’s time for you to start applying what you have learned to yourself and making the necessary changes to your attitude to life.
Uranus enters Aries for one final foray from the 6th November, enabling you to assess and review changes on an internal level. You’ve been managing changes to your earning potential undergoing some major self-renovation work and trying to figure out what’s really important to you.
From the 15th your efforts will be dispersed, tying up a variety of loose ends on projects and goals from the past few months. During this period, you might feel a little out of sorts, and more prone to colds, so consider taking supplements to boost your immune system.
Mercury enters retrograde motion in your middle-man zone from the 17th, so make sure you have considered all potential outcomes; avoid signing on the dotted line until Mercury turns direct again. With the full moon creating ripples in your communication zone, be sure you are in tune with your thought process and be sure to clarify what’s implied.