In their movement around the natal chart, the planets pass through each degree of the zodiac – some more speedily than others.
Certain degrees in the natal chart resonate with other degrees in the chart and when planets sit at these spots, there can be a communication between each planet which colours their expression in your natal chart and life experience.
During today’s show we are exploring the conjunction aspect – when planets are at or around the same degree (give or take 8° of ‘orb’ meaning orbit).
A good way of thinking about this is as though the planets are holding hands, or conjoined like siamese twins!
We all experience an obvious conjunction every month when the Sun and Moon meet each month in the New Moon position, the conjunction begins when the Moon is 8° on his approach (applying) to the Sun, and the conjunction finishes when he is 8° separating from his conjunction the Sun.
So, if the Sun was at 8° Cancer, then the Moon would be in conjunction between 0° to 16° of Cancer.
Planets in conjunction don’t really operate on an individual basis, they’re so close to each other they don’t really notice the influence they have over each other.
As Sue Tompkins describes in The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbook (link below), a conjunction is like two bells ringing: the closer they are, the more in-time they chime in frequency with one another, the farther apart they are, the more you experience a delay between each bell ringing.
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Astrology Aspects: Conjunction
In the example above, the Sun and Moon are in exact conjunction at 15°01′ Capricorn. The Sun and Moon meet every month for the New Moon which is the best example of a conjunction that we are all aware of and participate with.
However, the Sun and Moon aren’t the only planets that meet by conjunction – they all do! At some point or another throughout history even the slowest moving planets meet in this way.
In January 2020, Saturn & Pluto met by conjunction swiftly conjoined by Jupiter creating a year that will go down in the history books! Global Pandemic, hello?!
Take a look at your own natal chart and see which planets you have in conjunction; do you understand how these planets work individually and do you find that when you think about one planet the meaning of the other planet seems to sneak into your understanding, ‘crossing the beams’ of individual interpretation?
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