How does each sign of the zodiac perceive and process the world around them, and what motivates them to act the way they do? In episode #007 of The Stellium Astrology Podcast I talk about earth signs and look at a few client and celebrity examples to explore in greater depth.
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➡️ Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements by Stephen Arroyo
The Elements: Earth
The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn
Dividing the horoscope wheel by three and connecting the points where the circle is intersected gives an equilateral triangle. Signs of the same element sit at the points of the triangle are 120° (four signs) apart. The Earth signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
Episode Transcript
Hello and welcome back to The Stellium Astrology Podcast. I’m Stefanie James, and today I’m going to be talking to you about earth signs, exploring the element of earth.
iTunes Reviews
But before I do that, I just want to say thank you to the lovely people that took the time to review my podcast.
Thank you so much ‘Crunchy46’ – I really appreciate your lovely review saying that “it’s an astrology podcast that shines” and giving me five stars
“As someone who doesn’t know much about astrology, but has always had a spark of interest, this is perfect. Stefanie has a huge talent and is divine to listen to. It’s so informative and I cannot wait to continue this beautiful journey of learning through her podcasts, highly recommended”.
You’re welcome, Crunchy! Lovely, kind words from you there.
This one’s from ‘helloMia’. So hello, Mia! Thank you for leaving me a five star review,
“A great go-to for any budding astrologer. Loving these podcasts on all things astrological, informative, packed full of interesting facts, tools and tips for astrology lovers, students of all levels, and those who just want to know how to find out more about their own charts”.
Thank you, Mia. That’s a sales pitch right there! That’s wonderful.
And a lovely, lovely comment from a friend of mine, Psychic Passage:
“Five stars, best astrology podcast. Can’t tell you how happy I am to have access to this podcast. It’s been a long time coming. I highly recommend tuning in. It’s going to be a fun and magical journey that will teach and help you to unravel many aspects about yourself”.
Kim at Psychic Passage
Thank you so much Psychic Passage, your support means the world to me. <3
So let’s get on. You might hear me clicking about a bit, but I’m just getting bits and bobs prepared for you. So with all of the elements (I will describe this with all of the elements, just in case this is the first show that you’re tuning into) the way to work out how far apart they are, draw a circle down on a piece of paper and you draw an equilateral triangle, which is there is 120° from point to point (three ways) or you just divide the circle into three perfectly.
And that gives you the exact placements where you would find each element. So if you were going fire elements, you’d have the first one lined up on Aries and the other two points would line up perfectly with Leo and Sagittarius, and now, we’re doing the earth signs, so you’d put the first point on Taurus, and the next one that would be highlighted would be Virgo, and the next one will be Capricorn.
So that’s how far apart they are, and this is called a trine in astrology which is a harmonious and flowing aspect, and it has a sense of natural ease and natural aptitude and is quite compatible with other signs that it’s trine to. Essentially the elements are what motivate and drive us. It’s how we interact or perceive and process stimuli around us, and describes our impulses and our urges and needs.
A good book on this subject is Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements by Stephen Arroyo. I’ll put a little link for that in the description.
What Drives Earth Signs?
For earth signs, they really need to create something tangible and bring their visions into reality. So you’re coming from fire of Aries or any of the fire signs that precede the earth signs.
For Virgo the preceding fire sign is Leo and for Capricorn the preceding fire sign Sagittarius. It’s taking that inspirational fire and being able to create something out of it.
So instead of just being full of ideas and not really having anywhere to put it earth is actually able to make something physical, bring it into reality, and create a tangible product. If there’s something that’s already in existence it’s the earth’s desire to touch it and to feel it it’s a very tactile element. It’s very earthy, it needs contact.
Meditate On It
I always like to try and I think a little bit about getting into the vibe of the elements. So trying to, maybe meditate a little bit on it. A good way to do it is to take your shoes and socks off and go and stand on some grass or sit on some grass and close your eyes and put your hands down and just feel it underneath your palms and just let the grass go between your fingers or actually put pickups and dirt, or maybe tend to some plants in your house if you don’t have a garden.
I’ve got lots of plants on my window sills, and just really think about the fact that the soil is where we plant our seeds. It’s the things that we put our little… we make a little hole in the soil and we put our seed inside, pat it down and we water it and we nourish it so it grows.
Think about the foliage that can actually flourish from the earth. And then think about like the rolling hills of England: like driving through the Cotswolds, or perhaps going to the West country. Some beautiful, rolling Hills that just look almost like water rippling, but actually it’s just the land. It’s a beautiful, poetic landscape.
And then you’ve got the more dramatic mountain ranges like the Alps or the Himalayas or the Andes mountains. Then you’ve got vast, vast deserts in some of the hotter climates much closer to the equator.
And then think about the sand by the ocean, the sand at the sea – that’s still earthy – put your hands in the sand and just feeling that lovely connection with the earth, but being faced with the ocean in front of you.
How Does Earth Behave?
Earth supports all life on earth, literally. And it literally supports us when we stand on the ground. When we step outside and put our feet down, we are literally supported by the earth. And if you think about it, if you bring it down to the core, literally the core of the earth that’s spinning around and creating that gravitational pull, which is attracting us towards it. That’s what makes it possible is really, really core to the essence of earth, that attractive quality.
Just connect with that feeling when you’re out in nature. I know some people aren’t particularly fussed about going out in nature. There are some, but myself personally, I get such a good feeling from just being out in the countryside. I love the countryside and I just like being close to natural life really, and just sort of reconnecting with the earth and just camping or going on a picnic, just that feeling of comfort and security I get from being in nature. It’s a wonderful feeling.
There’s a real sense of reconnection and actually something that I think is important for anybody with strong earth in their chart — and anybody who doesn’t have strong earth in their chart actually — is grounding; particularly when you’re doing things like astrology and tarot. I didn’t realise this until I studied Reiki, but actually I didn’t know how exposed I was — energetically exposed — I was to other people.
Ground, Protect, Connect
When I started studying Reiki, one of the things that they force you to study – but you must do this – is learning how to ground. There’ll be plenty of grounding meditations on YouTube, but it’s about really connecting with the floor and feeling your feet on the ground, and then just really anchoring yourself to the ground. You can almost imagine yourself growing roots from the bottom of your feet and just connecting with the ground.
And then you can reach up as high as you, like. You can go up into the sky, up into space in your imagination and just reach out as far as you can, but you have to be connected on the ground it’s so important. And also things like cleansing rituals and rituals that reinforce your personal shield or your boundaries.
Polishing your little bubble, just to make sure that you’ve got it clean, there’s no gaps and that all of the energy that you have is yours and that you’re not taking on anybody else’s and you’re not leaking any energy anywhere else. It’s so important!
I didn’t realize this until I did Reiki. And then when I studied Reiki and I was doing treatments and I’d forgotten to ground and protect, I would actually be really, really quite unwell for a couple of days. And then I noticed a pattern where I’d, I think I’d forgotten to ground.
So grounding is really, really key. And I found that it really helps in astrology when you’re going to see clients definitely ground yourself. And it also really helps in any situation where you’re feeling stressed or you’re getting into your head, or you’re getting a bit emotional. Sometimes it’s just about coming back into the body. And this is what earth is all about. It’s about reconnecting with the body and coming back into reality.
The Law Of Attraction
So earth energy is very feminine, very yin, passive and subconscious and internal. It’s not very drive/extroverted/active – it’s very introverted and it brings everything in. And if you think about that spinning core of the earth, it’s almost like the earth signs have this little spinning core within them, and they do have this ability to attract – particularly Taurus.
When I say feminine or masculine, I’m not necessarily coining this and saying that it’s about being male or female. It’s about that essence of attracting or pursuing, introverted or extroverted. For earth signs, they really need to physically feel and connect and create and produce and to leave the world in a better condition than they found it.
🐱 I have a little cat in here with me. What are you doing? Come here. Want to be stroked? Come on Lana.
Lana’s trying to pretend that she never gets any attention, but she does.
Salt of the Earth
Earth signs like to indulge their sensual side and to enjoy the pleasures that life affords them. They tend to release (not always) their emotions through physical activity. They’re dependable and down to earth. If you hear someone saying, “Oh, he’s very down to earth” or “a very sort of the earth type of person”, that’s quite an earthy reference.
If there’s a strong earth element in the chart, they don’t tend to shy away from responsibility. And actually if you break the word responsible up, it’s like response-able, they’re quite responsive when needed and they’re quite able to step up to that role.
Money Doesn’t Grow On Trees
They’re quite real-world people, and I know (being a Capricorn myself) having an earthy sun (and not much else in earth, actually) growing up, my dad who is my masculine archetype that I used to look up to, would say to me, “Come on now, that’s not how it works in the real world – money doesn’t grow on trees”.
You do hear people saying these things and as a Capricorn, that was part of my growing-up mantra. “That’s not how it works in the real world…that’s just not how the world works”. It’s very, “This is practical advice I’m giving you! You need to listen to my practical advice!” So it’s quite interesting. Sometimes when you listen to earth signs, you can almost hear the earth when they’re talking, because it’s all very practical and very realistic stuff.
Builders of the Zodiac
Earth signs are very good at building solid foundations and then building upwards. Security is often what drives earth signs, so it can be making sure that they have always got the roof over their heads so that they work really hard in order to make sure that they’ve got the things that they want, or it could be Taureans (or those with a strong Venus maybe like an earthy Venus) may want to have objects, which reflect the hard work that they’ve done – that is quite a Taurean thing.
That moves on to the next point: enjoying the fruits of their labor. So enjoying having money which can afford them to indulge their physical senses or to just adorn…
🐱 Pardon Archer? I don’t know if you just heard that? He was making noises, he’s letting me know he’s here. Hello Archer, are you OK?
The cats are really misbehaving today actually, which is fine. I like it when they play. But they’re just attention seeking at the moment and I will go and tend to them in just a moment.
Earth signs like to enjoy the fruits of their labor and almost see labouring as a sense of self love. Not always… I mean, I know plenty of earth signs that find work really hard, but when they’re doing the right work, when they find the thing that they feel most productive and get real reward from doing, then they don’t see it as a chore or they don’t see it as grinding. It’s much more of a sense of enjoyment and fulfilment.
Earth signs can really benefit from, and also can gravitate quite a lot towards routines. They can be quite tenacious, they’re very practical and very disciplined. Where air signs can be ‘blue sky thinkers’, earth signs can really ground ideas and really anchor them and bring them into fruition.
Heavy Earth Emphasis
Overdoing it, as far as earth is concerned, you can get people that are really overly-practical. They err towards Pessimism, but they call it “being realistic”, they don’t really allow themselves to dream, or have the propensity to dream because they are very trapped in reality and they don’t really see that often our reality is created by our dreams and what we really want and our desires.
They can be overly materialistic and put too much emphasis on having stuff that isn’t really necessary, and they can be overly cautious and quite serious. Sometimes it can be a bit of a buzzkill. So that’s a heavy, heavy, heavy earth – being extremely practical.
A Lack of Earth
If you’re lacking with earth, sometimes you can be a little bit out of touch with the body – a lack of inhibition when it comes to knowing how to dress properly or appropriately for certain occasions. Those with a lack can be a little bit out of touch with their body.
And there can be a sense of hypochondria – those who are quite anxious about little twinges in the body. I don’t have a lot of earth in my chart – I have a lot of air and I am an earth sign (Capricorn). I can be a bit of a hypochondriac – I’ll be sitting there and I’ll suddenly get a little twinge somewhere close to where the appendix is and I’ll be like, “Oh my God! I’ve got appendicitis!” and I’ll be sitting there, freaking out about it, and then it will literally just pass and I’ll be fine and I’ll just say, “Oh, okay, It wasn’t appendicitis – It was nothing!
But you can get really sucked into overreacting because just my sun in Capricorn, but also a lot of air allows me to go crazy in my thoughts.
Then there’s those that really can’t don’t know how to master that material realm – they lack that ability. So they struggle with debts and organising their money. They think they know what they’re doing with it and suddenly realise “my money’s gone I’m in debt!” – That horrible dread feeling that you get when you just haven’t got a grasp of money.
Mastering the Material Realm
So there can be a difficulty with mastering the material realm and also with some lacking in earth. There can be problems with well addictive personalities depending on other chart factors. But really there is a disconnect from the body.
So like I said before with all the signs it can help if you are feeling disconnected, if you are quite heady person, if you are quite a dreamy person or if you’re just getting caught up in a stressful situation – just ground and protect yourself.
And actually there’s so many ways you can ground and protect: you can literally stamp on the floor. You can jump around, you can do meditations, which help you get into the body, or you can do things like yoga or running, or going for a walk even. So there’s lots of ways to bring yourself back into the body.
Subscriber Charts
Paula has a balance of planets in each of the elements, with three planets including her moon in earth signs

So let’s have a little look… I thought I’d have a look at Paula’s chart. Paula has moon in Virgo and Mars and Jupiter in Capricorn.
So she’s got three planets in earth and she also has her midheaven (MC) in earth as well. She’s got an awful lot of Scorpio (she’s got three planets in Scorpio), a few things in fire and some air. So she’s got quite a nice little balance of the elements.
And she’s got a fiery, Leo ascendant. So I’d Imagine that there’s quite a lot of – I’d say drama – but there’s definitely a confidence that comes with Leo that doesn’t shy away from the spotlight.
But that Virgo moon isn’t as demonstrative and extroverted as fire. So it’s probably quite humble. And especially with the Capricorn, Jupiter and Mars.
Mars in Capricorn is a very high performing Mars placement. So Paula has three planets in Capricorn, and an earthy Midheaven (MC) and earth signs are naturally pragmatic, practical.
With Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and her Ascendant in earth signs, Emily viwes the world through a practical lens

Emily has got four planets in Scorpio — she’s got a lot of water — but actually she’s got three planets in earth and she also has Virgo rising (ascendant).
She’s got Saturn rising, which is super-responsible. Saturn rising people have the weight of the world on their shoulders and life can seem quite difficult.
She has a Capricorn moon – so this is somebody who really, when things get tough, they can really throw themselves into work, whereas some people, when things get tough, they just need a break from it. Capricorn moon can really just keep on going, incredibly resilient. Jupiter (in Capricorn) as well.
I know she works for the family business, so that’s the Capricorn moon right there — It’s basically working with the family, and that Saturn rising — it was probably an expectation for her to do that from a very young age. They probably talked about her working for the family business. So there’s that respect for hard work. And with Capricorn moon and with all that Scorpio stuff, it’s very guarded.
The Scorpio stuff likes to guard itself – it’s very, icy and protects itself. I’m not saying she’s an ice maiden! But I’m saying that there’s an element of not being as open emotionally as perhaps Cancer or Pisces are (the other water signs).
But with that Capricorn moon, it definitely needs to work on its boundaries in order to basically maintain its energy levels and to feel secure.
And yes, with an emphasis of planets in the 12th house in Virgo there is an ability to give – there’s an expectation, almost – from a very young age. She’s had to give a lot of herself to other people’s causes a lot of her working behind the scenes in order to make whatever it is she’s doing work.
So it’s very service-orientated, Virgo rising, very service-orientated, with that Saturn and Jupiter there, tucked into the 12th house. It’s quite it can be quite challenging and quite hardworking and quite exhausting for anybody who does have that placement. So again, grounding is important.
Sammy lacks air in her chart, but has moon, Venus, Mars and Neptune in earth signs

Somebody else I’ve got here, one of my subscribers – Sammy from Kent – has got moon and Venus in Virgo, which is setting in the chart (that’s the descendant) – the area of other people. And she’s also got Mars and Neptune in Capricorn, as well.
So that’s four planets in earth and that’s a fair amount of earth there that’s quite heavily weighted towards earth.
And with the earthy planets being up in the profession, work and ambitions zone, Mars up there might be seen as quite professionally competitive, but you might not like to reveal that to people.
That Capricorn vibe is that they’re ambitious. They can be competitive (Mars in Capricorn), but Capricorn’s not about really showy displays of competition. It’s very good at applying itself and working really hard and being very structured – particularly when it’s paired with a Virgo moon and Venus in Virgo as well.
There’s someone that really values supporting other people and having the moon in the 6th house – which is also another house of work – it’s very routine focused and somebody who definitely is probably very supportive and valued at work and actually feels at home being able to work in areas that she is actually helping other people in some way and working towards other people’s goals.
But there is an aspiration with that Mars in the 10th house, and maybe that Neptune in Capricorn up there dreaming of doing things her own way, or leading in some way. And you probably do, but you don’t necessarily have to be ugly about it and ruffle other people’s feathers. So that’s Sammy.
Allie Bee
Allie has a Taurus stellium, anchoring some of the more watery elements of her chart

Allie Bee thank you – Taurus Stellium alert! Sun, Venus and Jupiter in Taurus. We also have—I’m not talking about the nodes at the moment, but—the nodes are involved.
But yes, Allie has three planets in Taurus. There’s a lot of water in Allie’s chart, there’s loads – and there’s not a lot of fire.
The water signs we’ll park for now, but with the earth element there is definitely (with Taurus) a sense of anchoring because it’s on the lower part of the chart. So she’s got her moon and Uranus up there in the top area and also Neptune.
So, not a lot of personal planets above the horizon, apart from the moon. And actually, the moon is the most visible planet. So actually emotionally, maybe she’s known as a caregiver, perhaps she’s known for being a mum maybe, or the family is very much a part of what people know about her, but actually on the bottom of the chart, there’s this lovely, heavy Taurus anchor, that’s keeping all that emotional stuff in check – or attempting to anyway!
And yes, having Jupiter and Venus and Taurus, these are two planets that are considered to be ‘benefic’, which is like beneficial or positive planets to have. And in Taurus they can be a little bit overindulgent actually, so it can be a bit of a challenge to balance how much you indulge in your physical senses.
It’s probably something that you do privately. You’re probably somebody who’s very, quite private that keeps your personal life behind closed doors and actually just really likes to come home and have a little, I dunno, alone time and just chill out and enjoy some good food and maybe have a nice bath – that way of unwinding.
There’s a lot of earth in Allie’s chart. So she may actually resonate with some of the things that I’ve said, and definitely about being a rock to other people, and supporting friends.
Anybody who I’m looking at their charts during this please do, let me know if I’ve said anything that actually resonates with you or if you think, “no, that’s not right. Actually I think that actually I’m more like this…” It would be interesting for me to hear.
Karis has Ascendant, moon, Jupiter and Neptune in earth signs, anchoring her sky-scraping Gemini Stellium

Somebody else I’ve got is Karis from Carshalton. And Karis is definitely going to be discussed because she’s very mutable. But we’ll talk about that when we discuss the modes.
But actually Karis has got a Virgo ascendant and a Capricorn moon, and she also has Neptune and Jupiter and Capricorn as well. So she’s got quite lot of earth in her chart, and Karis definitely expresses that earth and expresses her emotions through yoga. She’s a yoga teacher and she does yoga every single day. And she absolutely has to. If she leaves it alone – if she doesn’t do it, she really feels it.
She’s very good at her money management. I’ve always known her to be very good at saving money because she likes to travel. So she’s understood how to make money work for her as far as travel is concerned and she’s always ensured she has the security of work. She’s a hard working individual.
She’s always built herself up with training and travelling. And so she’s got quite an interesting international CV full of lots of amazing skills, which she’s built up to really support this lovely free-flowing freedom lifestyle that a Gemini wants, but also has the practicality and the security that Capricorn moon needs as well. So it’s a very nice chart which enables her to work with the material/reality world.
She’s quite a practical, common sense ‘salt of the earth person’ but also has that lovely need for freedom that the Gemini Stellium at the top of her chart, requires. So and she’s got quite a nice balance of planets as well. She doesn’t really lack too… I think she likes fire actually. There’s a little bit of fire that she lacks and she has got a heavy, heavy air emphasis.
So something does have to lack when you’ve got a lot of emphasis in one area, then there’s another area is going to lack at some point. So that’s some listener charts.
Celebrity Charts
Gordon Ramsay
➡️ View Gordon Ramsay on Astro Data Bank
So here’s Gordon Ramsey. Love him or hate him, he’s a really interesting person.
He’s got two stelliums: a Scorpio sun, but also he has moon in Virgo with Mars, Pluto and Uranus in the mix.
That’s one hell of a temperamental stellium. Now I don’t see him as a temperamental person, though you might argue because he’s quite passionate and he can be scary – a ‘force to be reckoned with’ – that Mars–Pluto energy, which is quite dominating and it can be quite exciting as well.
And it cuts to the core of people, but with that common sense and sort of straight ‘down the line’ Virgo quality. And what I think is great about Gordon’s chart is his ability to go into restaurants and he does the Scorpio transformation side of things, but he also does this detail orientated, fastidiously clean, hygienic, demanding that no stone is unturned (which could put down to Scorpio) but a Scorpio–Virgo combination is definitely going to be very focused on cleanliness, and definitely ensuring that everything is as it should be.
So he gets called into restaurants to focus on “where’s it going wrong?” and he digs into the details and finds that basically, “this needs to change… That needs to change… The hygiene’s rubbish… Shut the place down!”
So yeah, he’s a great chart to look at. And his birth data rating as well is actually perfect. His birth time is right – AA Rodden Rating.
Bettie Page
➡️ View Bettie Page on Astro-Databank
So let’s have another look at somebody I picked out. Okay.
So I picked out Bettie Page, a glamour model. It says here (on Astro Data Bank) that her career started in the summer of 1950 and she’s iconic. That hairstyle that she had with the short fringe that’s so many people have now, which was created by somebody who took photos of her and said, let’s cut you a fringe and cut it too short! I don’t know if you’ve ever seen the Bettie Page film, but it’s worth watching. It’s really interesting.
So she doesn’t have like the heaviest earth emphasis in her chart. She does have sun and Mercury there though. But what I think is interesting is that she made a career out of posing, being very risqué. And what she was doing, in her day was considered to be extremely taboo. And she does have other elements of her chart, which described this.
But there’s something about that beauty of the Taurean physique – the body with Taurus can be so attractive and so magnetic. And it doesn’t have to be the perfectly sculpted body even, but there’s something really attractive about it.
And when I was talking about elemental lacks, that’s when I thought about Bettie Page because Bettie didn’t have a problem with stripping off and the way she saw it was “It’s the body that God gave me and why should I be ashamed of that?”
Now, we don’t know if her birth time is exact – it’s a B rating – but I just thought I picked that out. So if you want to have a look and look into Bettie Page and maybe watch the film, she is…
🐱 Oh! Hello, Archer! He scared me!
…So yeah, she’s a Taurus. And it’s worth watching the film and bearing in mind that she is a Taurus.
David Bowie
➡️ View David Bowie on Astro Databank
Who else have I got… David Bowie. He’s got sun Mars and Mercury in Capricorn. David Bowie and I were born on the 8th of January as well. So he’s my solar twin!
Well obviously David Bowie, he’s just an icon. I’m not saying that all Capricorns are icons, but they certainly over time with hard work and persistence really gain respect from their peers.
And from the people that watched them really work their way through. And one of the things that’s really interesting about David Bowie is that he was able to transcend shifts in generations and music tastes and he was able to continue with his music – he was a true creative, and he just kept putting the music out.
He didn’t compromise on quality, he was always very high quality with what he did. Obviously, very sadly he’s passed away now, but one of the things that Capricorn does is that it tends to want to leave some kind of legacy.
He has left us a legacy with his – Lazarus – that piece of music, that really haunting film/music video, which absolutely got into my head.
I think a lot of people were having dreams about it after he died. It was amazing. I’ve got goosebumps talking about it.
There’s a lady called Lesley who’s on my Facebook friends list, who absolutely is the biggest David Bowie supporter that I know apart from a girl that I used to work with called Rachel. So if you’re listening, hello, I’m going to dedicate this part of the podcast to you, Leslie and Rachel the biggest Bowie fans that I know.
That’s a Wrap!
So that was it, I just wanted to give a little example of some earthy charts and get you guys involved. And if you’re enjoying this please share it with your friends and let them know that this is something that they can take part in as well.
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Episode Links
➡️ View The Best Astrology Books for Beginners here
➡️ View Gordon Ramsay on Astro Data Bank
➡️ View Bettie Page on Astro-Databank
➡️ View David Bowie on Astro Databank
Recommended Books
➡️ Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements by Stephen Arroyo