How does each sign of the zodiac perceive and process the world around them, and what motivates them to act the way they do? In episode #009 of The Stellium Astrology Podcast I talk about Water signs and look at a few client, subscriber and celebrity examples to explore in greater depth.
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➡️ Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements by Stephen Arroyo
The Elements: Water Signs
The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces
Dividing the horoscope wheel by three and connecting the points where the circle is intersected gives an equilateral triangle. Signs of the same element sit at the points of the triangle at 120° (four signs) apart. The Water signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.
Episode Transcript
Hello everyone, welcome back to The Stellium Astrology Podcast. I’m Stefanie James, and today I’m talking about Water signs and talking about the element Water.
iTunes Reviews
But before I get started, I just wanted to give some shout outs to people who’ve reviewed the podcast. And so just want to say thank you so much to Hayleyd23 for your wonderful five star review:
Astrology at its finest.
Girl Peril, thank you so much for your review:
Wonderful stuff. If you’re interested in astrology, this is a great podcast for beginners and beyond.
Girl Peril
I appreciate your five star review. Thank you so much.
Awesome, would highly recommend thumbs up five stars.
Brilliant, thank you, VB. And what’s this one?
Interesting and informative podcast, five stars. I’ve been following Stellium Astrology or social media for some time and find Stefanie to be very knowledgeable. So I was delighted to hear there was going to be a podcast, I’m looking forward to being a regular listener and learning more about this fascinating subject.
Thank you tingin1, I appreciate your lovely kind words. It’s really great that there are people who are excited about this podcast as I am.
So let’s get going. Today I want to talk about Water signs. The elements are the building blocks of astrology, we really get to the core and the essence of each of the signs through understanding the element that they are in. So on my previous episodes, I briefly went over this: literally draw a circle on a piece of paper, divide the circle into three equal parts. So draw a an equilateral triangle in the middle, and the points of the triangle will point out the elements that are of the same sign because each of the elements are 120 degrees apart. So that’s the distance between one point to another point on an equilateral triangle. So that kind of distance in astrology is called a Trine and it’s considered a harmonious and flowing aspect. And there’s a sense of natural ease and aptitude and a compatibility. And essentially, with the elements, what we have here is what really motivates or drives us. So that’s what the elements really represent. And a good book on this is “Astrology, Psychology, and the Four Elements” by Steven Arroyo.
What Drives Water Signs?
And what we’re going for today is understanding the Watery the Watery realms. So with the elements, it’s really about basic ways of perceiving process and processing stimuli in our environment. So it’s our impulses and urges needs. And for Water, this is a need to emotionally connect, and decide to decide if something feels right or if it’s agreeable.
Let’s get into Water and think about way that it flows and the way that it affects us. So immediately, I’m drawn to my many bath times where I have a little bath bomb fizzing away and I have a little book and I lock myself away in this little room. There’s condensation on the walls, and I just soak until I’m a prune (I’m sure you needed that image)!
Meditate On It
But anyway, Water is essential to life on our planet. Obviously, it’s wet and it lubricates and it dissolves it can erode. Think of the land by the sea, the cliffs that just crumble because the water keeps hitting it and hitting it and hitting it and you have little caves, which have over time been carved out through persistent water that just keeps pushing. Like the needles at the Isle of Wight I visited many, many moons ago. Water can be liquid form, but it can also be ice. So it has that kind of changing state. It can freeze and it can melt. It can saturate, it can be absorbed, it takes on the form of the receptacle it’s poured into, but it can also overflow and it can spring a leak. So it’s not always watertight.
Water in a glass can become toxic if you leave it on the side for a long time. The Water can become smelly and stale. I don’t know about you, but I use a bottle and if I leave the lid on the bottle before refilling it and it’s empty, you do get that horrible stale, damp water smell in it. So you need to give it a good scrub to get rid of that. And you know, the human body; we have toxins in our body that need to be flushed through through drinking lots of water and also making sure that we sweat. Water can be damp, so if you think about it in a house, if you’ve got a bit of a damp area you can get mold and rising damp.
We’re All In This Together
Another image that I got was being at Tooting Bec Lido (which I’ve probably only ever been to once or twice in my life) and being in the pool (this has happened to everybody who’s ever gone to a public pool) and there’s a plaster floating there that comes closer and closer. And you’re just horrified, like “oh my god!”
The problem is, when that plaster is floating towards you, you are literally aware of the fact that you’re in the water with somebody who needed that plaster, and you’re connected by that body of water. And that’s the thing about Water – it connects us. I don’t know why I chose such a gross one example – maybe because I’ve got a Scorpio/Water Moon?!
How Does Water Behave?
Water can drown us: think about tsunamis; think about Water getting out of control; think about a storm. One of my favorite films I love is the Titanic. I also love The Perfect Storm, which I know is super cheesy, I know is really rubbish but I really like it. I love the fact that it’s about the changing state and just the unpredictability of the ocean. Sometimes Water has that ability: the tsunami that we had in Japan, which triggered Fukushima – that whole thing.
Waterfalls, babbling, Brooks streams and raindrops, reservoirs, rivers, and you know, those ravines which often have a little river running through the bottom. Lakes: the phrase “Still waters run deep” applies because water generally sits quite still in a lake. And the deeper it goes, the more densely it’s packed, and you get quite a lot of silt at the bottom of a lake, which, often in lakes, you’ve got a lot of pond life and the Water is very toxic, because it’s not Water that’s constantly flowing, it just sits there.
And you’ve got streams and lots of different types of water and the ways that it works and runs. There are seven main underground rivers in London, most people when you say name a river in London, they’ll all say the Thames, but there are actually seven rivers including the Thames. I can’t remember the names of any of them! But, you know, it’s interesting to think that there’s so much Water running underneath us that we’re not even aware of, even if you’re not in London, there’s a lot of Water underneath us, all over the place.
You Spin Me Right Round, Baby
Water can slap you in the face, you can belly flop in water, we can gracefully pour liquid (think about people pouring their wine). Liquid can come in a variety of forms in the sense that it can be alcohol it can be even with paint. You can pour paint, it’s a bit thicker, but it’s got a very liquid quality about it. And Water could be a whirlpool spinning out of control, sucking people in and Water to an extent does actually dissolve boundaries. So if you think about cliffs being eroded away over time, you can dissolve the boundary in that way. Also, Water can just literally rise up and flood over, literally, like floodgates being opened. I’m sure there’s so many that I haven’t mentioned, but there’s so many different ways that Water exists and interact.
The Water signs are feminine. And like I said before it’s not about being male or female, it’s not about gender roles, or, you know, gender identity, it’s is more about the kind of receptive and subconscious internalization, that feminine energy represents, that yin that’s softer and less externally demonstrative type of energy. And for Water signs, they really need to feel and they need to immerse they need to emotionally connect.
The Water Signs
The Water signs of the zodiac are Cancer the 4th sign, Scorpio, the 8th sign and Pisces the 12th sign of the zodiac.
Cancer is very much a caring rescuer type who likes to help those in need by knowing exactly what they need when they need it. But it’s not necessarily always going to be somebody who’s caring for others, it can be very good at spotting what’s needed before people know they need it – a niche finder. So Cancer can be associated with fashions.
Scorpio, the eighth sign of the zodiac’s motto is sharing is caring. We’ll get into fixed signs soon, but Scorpio is a fixed Water sign. So think more about Water when it’s in its ice form and the freezing of anything that you have with another person because as a Scorpio is very other-person orientated. And it’s about that entanglement and commitment that you can have with another person so where you might be in the relationship with them in Libra, Scorpio the sign that follows on is making that a commitment and really kind of bonding you to something so there’s this till death do us part type of thing. And also this psychological and deep, subconscious exploration (Scorpio is quite a deep sign).
Pisces tends to want to transcend the human prison that is physicality in reality, and to connect with a source beyond the physical to really affect others without actually interacting directly with them. So I know a lot of people who are Piscean, they’re musicians, or they’re dancers, and they just want to connect with something beyond the physical and really, with musicians playing music, that can emotionally affect somebody, and you never actually met that person, but their message connects with you, and it triggers something within you.
The Human Condition
Water signs generally are very focused on human values, and they want to be a service in some way to humanity or the human condition and just care for others in some way. If they can’t care, or if they’re not that focused on tending to others, it will be tending to the way of human beings and maybe even connecting with that Divine Comedy that is life.
They’re generally quite empathic and sympathetic, and a lot of the time psychic in their ability to pick up on subtle nuances around them. So Water signs tend to be quite psychic. And they can follow their gut instinct and be quite good judge of situations, when they’re in tune with their gut reactions, gut instincts or intuition (in-tuition: inner teacher). They are more introverted and downbeat compared to the other zodiac signs. And they can be quite moody and have quite a changing nature.
Because Water in itself is very changeable, it’s very inconsistent. There is consistency to water, depending on where you’re looking at it, but there’s a kind of unpredictability, especially if you think of things like the ocean; it’s just not something you can… you can guess, you can hypothesize, and the weather report can say: “There might be a storm, and it looks like it’d be quite bad” but it could pass you by without actually going overhead.
Heavy Water Emphasis
They’re very concerned with emotional security, and they can be drawn into symbiotic relationships where there’s a sense of dependency, where they can get stuck in toxic situations because they become reliant on other people and other people can become reliant on them. I think of the Ying Yang when I think about water – this kind of flowing with these little dots in between. You can think of the dot being yourself and the other dot being someone else. And they’re kind of caught up in what you can provide for them and what they can provide for you. I know it’s a symbol of peace, but it’s a kind of symbol of cooperation, and harmony, but actually I find I find the ying yang can also describe… I just see that image when I think of symbiosis. You might disagree, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on that.
Water can be very impressionable (Scorpio not so much) but water signs, like I said, can take on the form of or whatever it is they are tending to at the time: their receptacle, their vessel. They can be quite vulnerable and quite secretive and very protective of others. I think all of the Water signs can be like this. They can be extremely protective of other people and their loved ones. I think Cancer is much more protective over family and Scorpio is in a sense protective over their loved ones well, and Pisces, I get a sense of being protective over somebody that needs defending so they can be rescuers, wanting to defend the underdog. Water can be very quick to react and be very responsive. Scorpio can be adaptable but it can take a long time for Scorpio to be ready to melt to and adapt, but with Cancer and with Pisces they’re definitely very adaptable and able to see where they’re needed.
Water signs take on the form of their vessel and though it can be a good thing, their ability to adapt can draw people in, in a way that they can manipulate others. There’s a lot of manipulation with water and so whether you have a lot of water, or you are friends with somebody or know somebody who is very watery, there is a sense of manipulation that you’ll recognize within them; they can manipulate things around them or they can be manipulative themselves.
And yes, there’s a sense of being becoming dependent sometimes – possibly clingy. And they can be irrational too. So, there might not be a lot of logic applied in certain situations because emotions run high. Generally, Water signs are more subjective than objective and they can be oversensitive, needy and overly-emotional as well.
A Lack Of Water
If you’re lacking in Water, then you can struggle to process your emotions and sometimes this can present as having a lack of empathy. But actually it not so much of a connection. So if you’ve got a planetary lack, it’s almost like it’s a little bit slower than the rest of the chart. So if you if you have planetary lack in Water, you can be slower at accessing your emotional state. And there can be a bit of an instability in the release. So it can be somebody who struggles to connect with their emotions, and then suddenly, one day they just the floodgates open and it just, it just all comes pouring out.
And what springs to mind to me, as well with this is like people that don’t understand emotional etiquette and relationships – like Chandler from friends when he’d had an argument with his girlfriend, and he just really believed that the whole relationship was over. Actually, it was just a little argument and it didn’t need to end there. But for him, he was a bit out of touch with emotional situations and a little bit inexperienced in that realm.
Subscriber Charts
So basically, loads of people sent me their chart information! And I’ve got lots of Watery listeners!
Allie Bee
Pisces rising, Moon–Uranus in Scorpio, and Mars–Saturn in Cancer.

So I’ve got Allie Bee, who sent me her chart. Allie is in Canada and in Toronto, and she’s got Watery Pisces rising and a Scorpio Moon and Uranus up there as well with her Moon in Scorpio. It’s quite an interesting chart as well because she’s she’s also got Mars and Saturn in Cancer. So she’s got points in all of the Water signs, a nice, big watery trine there, an equal distribution of planets in water (it’s not an official grand-trine as the planets and points aren’t at the same degrees).
Someone with a Scorpio moon is a more able to reserve their emotional displays (they try to) but when they really do get triggered then it can be quite spectacular. But they’re very good at kind of playing ‘poker face’ because they don’t really want people to know about their emotions, so are very good at containing them. But when they do come out? Oh boy! (I’m speaking from experience because I have a Scorpio Moon).
Jupiter rising in Pisces, Sun in Cancer, and Pluto in Scorpio.

And we’ve got Sammy here, another one of my subscribers. Sammy has got Pisces rising, Jupiter rising in Pisces, (Jupiter is a traditional ruler of Pisces). And what else Oh, Pluto in Scorpio and Sun in Cancer. So another triple-whammy Water. I’m not gonna go into too much depth with each of your charts in this situation. Because I’ve talked a lot about Water signs, but you’re probably going to identify with what I’ve said here. And you do have other elements to your chart, but you know, it’s just interesting to connect with this.
Venus, Sun, Mars and Mercury in Cancer, and her Moon is in Scorpio. Pisces is setting on the horizon.

A subscriber and client of mine, Ava, has got a stellium in Cancer. She has Venus, Sun, Mars, and Mercury all in Cancer. A super-psychic Scorpio Moon and Cancer stellium. And, actually to make up her third point in Water signs, her descendant is in Pisces as well! So she’s probably likely to be mingling with a lot of Piscean types and very Watery types herself. And so that’s an awful lot of Water in her chart. And, and not a lot else, actually! There’s a lack of Air there’s a lack of Earth and a lack of Fire. There’s so much Water in your chart Ava! She does have Virgo rising so that does give her a nice little grounding in Earth. But it’s mutable earth so it’s not so fixed, not so not so stuck in one place.
Gauri & Emily
Born on the same day at different times in different countries: Gauri (left) has Air rising and Moon, and Emily (right) has Earth rising and Moon, both with watery Scorpio stelliums.
Now, two charts that came through to me on the same day, but slightly different timings were Gauri in India, and also Emily in Croydon.
You were both born on the same day! But you were born in different places at different times. So you have different ascendants and your Moons are a slightly different degrees. Being born on the same day but at different times and in different places means that Gary has Moon in (late) Aquarius and Emily has Moon in (early) Capricorn, but you have very similar things going on in the rest of your charts. So both of you have Sun, Uranus, Venus and Mercury in Scorpio. More Scorpio! Can you believe it all these Scorpio’s coming along to join in with my podcast?! Thank you so much for sharing with me, you guys! But yes, so Gauri’s got an extra air element to the chart because she has a Gemini rising and an Aquarius Moon, and Emily has Virgo rising and a Capricorn Moon so extra earthy.
These are going to be very different expressions: both born on the same day, but will definitely have very similar ways of processing their environment and going about how they want to help, what they’re motivated towards and how they interact with their environment because they have such a heavy Water weighting in their chart as well.
I’ve got more I’ve got more people – you think I’m joking?!
Sun in Scorpio, Mars in Pisces and a Cancer Midheaven (MC).

So Carolina from Valencia, Venezuela has a Scorpio Sun and I talked about Carolina when I was talking about fire, because Carolina has a Fire stellium but she has a Watery Scorpio sun, she also has Midheaven in Cancer and Mars in Pisces.
Pluto, Mercury and Saturn in her Scorpio stellium, with her Sun out of sign in Libra.

OK, Paula you’ve got – so you don’t have a Sun in Scorpio, you have Sun in Libra – but you have Pluto, Mercury and Saturn in Scorpio. So that’s another stellium in Water but with a nice airy, logical Sun, who knows they shouldn’t be holding on to things and knows that they could let things go. But actually, they do still want to mull over and process things to great depth.
Mars rising in Scorpio, and her Sun and Mercury in Pisces.

Angelique in Croydon has Sun in Pisces, Mercury in Pisces Mars in Scorpio. So think about what I said about some of those other aspects of the Water signs. So that’s my subscribers.
And we can look at your charts in greater detail. If you want to have your chart looked at on my podcast, please subscribe to my mailing list. And I will definitely have a little look at your chart and see if there’s anything that you can we can bring you into an episode for.
Celebrity Charts
Princess Diana
I’m just going to have a quick look over some Watery celebrities that I picked out for you. My Cancerian celebrity who I think epitomizes Cancer so well is Princess Diana; Diana, Princess of Wales, I’ll put a link in the description for all of the celebrity charts that I’m putting up today. Diana is Sun–Mercury in Cancer. So really talking and thinking about, the needs of others. She was the Queen of hearts, she really swept the whole nation away with her compassion. And she’s got Neptune in Scorpio, which is quite a slow moving planet, but it actually makes an aspect to her Sun and Mercury. So this is an ultra-compassionate and committed person who really cares about the welfare of others.
And her Sun and Mercury are actually on the other-person area of the chart, focused on the care and needs of others. But she has an Air Moon as well. So, she’s very much caring about the community. Diana is a great example of how water works, and how the Sun in Cancer works.
➡️ View_Princess Diana on Astro-Databank
Keanu Reeves
Another person who’s got a Moon and Mars and Venus in Cancer is Keanu Reeves. And he also has that in harmonious aspect to Neptune in Scorpio too, because he was born around a similar time to Princess Diana (a few years away from her). So yes, he’s he’s got two stelliums! So, in fact, practically everyone I’ve chosen has two stelliums in their charts!
➡️ View Keanu Reeves on Astro-Databank
➡️ Read Keanu Reeves First House Virgo Stellium
Gordon Ramsay
My Scorpio that I’ve chosen and I’ve probably could have chosen other Scorpios but actually I really wanted to…
I’ve chosen Gordon Ramsay, because he’s… he’s scary! And he’s great because he’s a very Marmite character, isn’t he? You either love him or hate him.
He has another stellium in his chart as well. He’s got a so he’s got sun, Venus and Neptune in Scorpio. I’m definitely going to talk about Gordon Ramsay at a later date on this podcast because I enjoy his TV shows.
You’re probably are going to tune out from this podcast and actually think I’m horrible!
But I think he’s such an amazing example of his chart. To watch him do what he does on TV. It’s melodramatic, (Water can be very melodramatic) and he does some very Scorpio things with restaurants and goes in and he transforms them. And they’re in crisis when he gets there – Scorpio is very crisis orientated sign. Go and have a look at him, it’s very interesting. You don’t see much of an emotional display from Gordon. But on his TV shows, there’s definitely a focus on emotion. And when he goes into the restaurants, families are at war with each other or falling apart; relationships are in crisis. And he comes in, gets to the bottom of the issue almost immediately, sniffs out who the real problem in the working relationship or the marriage partnership is, and forces them to look at themselves, and have very honest conversations.
Obviously, this is all very much dramatized, and made, so that it can be on TV and be very exciting and full of drama, exciting enough to hold people’s attention. But he’s incredibly successful at doing this. And it’s not just about going in and dealing with relationships – it’s about provoking strong reactions in other people. He provokes a lot of real emotional reactions in other people as well. So he’s a he’s a great Scorpio because he really lives up to that scary Scorpio kind of image.
I know there’s so many Scorpios listening to this podcast (because obviously, you’ve all seen your charts in), I’m not saying you’re all scary. But there’s this real ability to connect and go deep. And with Gordon as well, we don’t see his emotional side. He goes in as a professional, he deals with it or he keeps like a steely, calm exterior. I mean, he does get passionate, and he does shout and he does swear. But actually, he’s very composed, really. So he’s an interesting one to look at.
➡️ View Gordon Ramsay on Astro Databank
Kurt Cobain
And my Pisces that I chose is a mega Pisces, Kurt Cobain. And Kurt Cobain was the lead singer of Nirvana. I’m sure you’re all aware. But if you’re not, you need to check out Nirvana – you need to hear Nirvana. He’s got Saturn, Venus, Mercury and Sun in Pisces, and he has Moon and Jupiter in Cancer and Mars and Neptune in Scorpio. I mean, that is one hell of a Watery chart. And he’s one hell of a Watery person. And his whole story is very tragic. It’s really interesting.
And just to hear his music it affects people. There’s something about Water, it can disappear overnight, or it can it can sort of stay for the long term. I think that Kurt Cobain has saturated collective consciousness and he’s permeated and gone on and on and on. And with his music, it’s outlived fashions, and he really impacted a whole era. And, yes, there’s a very tragic end to his story. But if you watch any documentaries about him, he sounded a very Watery type.
And he did get involved with some of the, you know, the Neptunian/Piscean aspects of transcending reality by getting involved in drugs and drink. And, he did meet a very sad fate by the end of it all. But nonetheless, he’s a very interesting Pisces, we will look at him later on.
➡️ View Kurt Cobain on Astro-Databank
That’s a Wrap!
I’m definitely doing stelliums, and I’m definitely focusing in on specific charts. So if you’d like to be on the podcast, sign up to my mailing list, submit your chart details, and I will have a little look and see where you fit. And of course, subscribe rate and review me on iTunes, if you’d like a little shout out! And please share this with your friends if you think they’d like it, too.
➡️ Read What is a Stellium?
And one final thing, I would absolutely love to know what you think about what I’ve said today about Water signs! Do you know Water signs? Do you agree? Or do you think that I was way off the mark and actually, you’ve got a better idea of how Water works in somebodies chart? I’d love to hear it! So please get in touch.
Thank you very much for tuning in.
Episode Links
➡️ View The Best Astrology Books for Beginners here
➡️ Read What is a Stellium?
➡️ View_Princess Diana on Astro-Databank
➡️ View_Keanu Reeves on Astro-Databank
➡️ Read about Keanu Reeves’ First House Virgo Stellium
➡️ View Gordon Ramsay on Astro Databank
➡️ View Kurt Cobain on Astro-Databank
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➡️ Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements by Stephen Arroyo