December 22-January 20

Mercury retrograde has arrived right on cue, to redress the growing imbalance between your work and home life.

You’re good at what you do, but now you’re oversubscribed! Take a break to power-down, recharge your batteries, and re-think some strategies.

Spending time with your friends and family is a great way to share your workload-woes and let off steam.

Your loved ones know you well and will be able to put you back in touch with your core mission, so figure out where you could be working smarter over drinks with friends.

Whether it’s redesigning your social media strategy, or switching-up your collaborative partners, you’ll have a much clearer idea about which direction you want to head in by the 20th, when Mercury turns direct.

This horoscope was originally created for The Ethical Hedonist Magazine.

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