
  • Stop Freaking Out! Why Your Star Sign Hasn’t Changed

    Every now and again an article NASA published a long time ago resurfaces, bringing with it insane panic among astrology lovers. Astrologers get terribly infuriated by this ‘fake news’ especially coming from a reputable source like NASA. Astrologers are well aware of astronomical phenomena surrounding our area of expertise – we wouldn’t be able to…

  • Medicinal Marijuana and Billy Caldwell

    The negative and irresponsible image of marijuana users portrayed by the media and film industry compound the public image of the drug, so that those who haven’t had cause to research the genuine curative properties of marijuana can be quick to discard its credibility. Being prepared to look at alternative medicine with an open mind…

  • Mercury Retrograde March 2018 | Forged in Fire

    Mercury is the planet that represents intellect, dichotomy and choice. With an emphasis on Aries, Capricorn and Venus during this retrograde period, we are asked to make a decision which may be both challenging and cathartic. Recent events may have left you feeling frustrated between a rock and a hard place. With the ability to…