
  • Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It

    Jupiter enters Sagittarius on November 8th, 2018 and leaves on December 2nd, 2019. Welcome home, Jupiter! The much-anticipated transit of Jupiter in Sagittarius is heralded as the arrival of a benevolent ruler, as he emerges from his dark quest through the Scorpionic underworld. On his way, he has unearthed and brought to the surface the deepest,…

  • New Moon in Scorpio 2018 | Resistance is Futile

    The Moon is in Scorpio (traditionally ruled by Mars) on her approach to re-birth as she passes through the heart of the Sun. Her journey takes her into the depths of the via combusta—the fiery way—a part of the zodiacal belt teaming with malefic fixed stars. Feeling The Shift Intensity reigns, as we feel compelled…