
  • Five Things I Love About Each of the Signs

    I often spend time with my friends and come away thinking about the positive attributes of their signs and how great they are at working with what they’ve got. I felt inspired to write a little list of five things I love about each of the signs, and believe me, it was hard to narrow…

  • Mars Retrograde 2018 | The Peak of the Furnace

    At the end of June 2018, the planet of action, aggression, passion and war – Mars – goes retrograde. During this time there will be three full moons, two eclipses, Uranus enters retrograde motion and Mercury retrogrades and goes direct again! Rather eventful. The Sun will move from 5° Cancer (directly opposite Saturn in Capricorn) to 4° Virgo…

  • Five Ways Astrology Changed My Life For The Better

    It’s hard not to compare my life prior-to and post my initiation into the astrological world. I decided to officially start learning the craft at my Saturn return and as a Capricorn my entire sense of self and career went through some huge tests. Pivotal points in life can feel very difficult to navigate but understanding…