
  • Attitude Is Everything | Reflecting On Jupiter in Scorpio

    Inspired by a post I saw on Instagram today, I felt compelled to write about my experience of Jupiter on my Moon. Not the nitty-gritty, (perhaps a post for another day) but the gifts I was given as a result of my emotionally turbulent year. Like the true teacher he is, Jupiter taught me a…

  • Five Ways Astrology Changed My Life For The Better

    It’s hard not to compare my life prior-to and post my initiation into the astrological world. I decided to officially start learning the craft at my Saturn return and as a Capricorn my entire sense of self and career went through some huge tests. Pivotal points in life can feel very difficult to navigate but understanding…

  • Uranus in Taurus so far | Take the Power Back

    Uranus entered Taurus on the 15th May and I know a few people with planets or angles in the fixed signs, who felt the ingress in a particularly prominent way. Its been a shake-up for some, an awakening for others and for all has brought in a necessity for change in particular areas of their lives.…