Elizabeth Montgomery has two stelliums in her birth chart. The first is in the 7th house including her Sun, Venus (her chart ruler), and Uranus in Aries. The second is in the 12th house comprising of Mars (ruler of her Aries sun), Jupiter and Neptune.
As a Libra rising native, Venus is an important planet and sits in the 7th house. It’s a great place to have a Sun–Venus conjunction if you are in the public eye as the 7th house of relationships can also be described as the house of the fan-club; Elizabeth was a popular actress with a very successful career.
Being an Aries Sun, fiery Mars is also of great importance. It’s interesting that both relationship planets Mars and Venus feature not only as rulers of the Ascendant and Descendant (the Eastern rising and Western setting point of the sun) but are also in harmonious aspect to one another and are in each of Elizabeth’s stelliums which both sit above the horizon.
Elizabeth Montgomery’s Birth Chart

15 April 1933 at 16:38
Los Angeles, California
The Family Business
The Sun in the natal chart is the masculine principle first experienced through the father. Elizabeth’s father Robert Montgomery was an established film and television actor, director and producer, who took a break from acting to fight WW2.
This is described in Elizabeth’s 12th house stellium as the young man who fought (Mars) for the collective political cause (Jupiter–Neptune). Also described is the compelling (Mars) and far-reaching broadcasting potential (Jupiter–Neptune) which can remain etched in the collective consciousness as a glamorously romantic image for years to come.
Trine to her 4th house Moon in Capricorn, acting was in her roots and felt natural for Elizabeth to start working in the family profession from a young age (her first acting job was at the age of 5).
Following in her father’s footsteps, she achieved great success of her own during her eventful career spanning 5 decades. Bewitched was, at the time, the highest-rated series ever for the ABC network and ran for 8 seasons. Montgomery received five Primetime Emmy Award nominations and four Golden Globes.
7th House Aries Stellium
In Bewitched, Montgomery’s character Samantha is an unconventional girl (Venus–Uranus) attempting ‘normality’ in a conventional marriage with her advertising executive husband Darrin Stephens. He tells Samantha not to use witchcraft in their marriage when she reveals her true identity to him on their wedding night.
However, she regularly uses her powers for matters of convenience or mischief, much to the entertainment of the many generations who watched the show and enjoyed the crazy antics which ensued.
Elizabeth Montgomery’s Sun–Venus–Uranus conjunction in the 7th house is brilliantly described by her character’s diplomatic yet provocative nature. There’s a fantastic scene in the pilot episode of Bewitched where Samantha goes to a dinner party with Darrin and is outcasted by his condescending ex-girlfriend.
The way she handles the situation is hilarious – you can watch it below.
Their marriage is met with the disapproval of Samantha’s mother Endora, who throughout the series would constantly meddle in their relationship to drive a wedge between them.
In addition, Samantha’s magical friends and family members from the other realm would drop in uninvited and create all sorts of havoc and leave.
No matter how hard she tried to suppress her magical powers, Samantha would eventually rebel and use them – she just had to be herself. This unpredictable aspect of Samantha and Darrin’s relationship is a great expression of Montgomery’s untamably quirky 7th house Aries stellium.
Relationship issues were also a theme for Montgomery off-screen; she wed four times – the second of which was in 1963 with her director-producer husband William Asher who she had three children with.
Their marriage ended in 1973 after Montgomery had an affair with director Richard Michaels. Consequently both their marriages ended shortly followed by the show, as Asher and Montgomery could no longer work together amicably.
12th House Virgo Stellium
Mars (the ruler of Elizabeth’s Sun) is in Virgo, on the cusp of the 12th house along with Neptune and Jupiter. Virgo is a sign which wants to be of service. Placed in the 12th house of closure and redemption, this combination can indicate someone driven by their beliefs for a better future. This is a spiritual and idealistic combination with a passion for serving humanity through justice and charity.
Mercury, ruler of her Virgo stellium is in Montgomery’s 6th house of daily ritual and routine which also has a mercurial and Virgoan feel. In compassionate Pisces (traditionally ruled by Jupiter, and by modern rulership, Neptune), Mercury echoes the 12th house message of Elizabeth’s Virgo stellium creating a servitude/
According to Wikipedia: “Montgomery was personally devoted to liberal political beliefs, and she “lent her name, along with a great deal of time, money, and energy to a wide variety of charitable and political causes”. She had progressive political views and was an outspoken champion of women’s rights, AIDS activism, and gay rights. Montgomery was also pro-choice throughout her life. She was an ardent critic of the Vietnam War, and in later years, she was an active advocate for AIDS research and outreach to the disabled community.”
Montgomery dedicated her time to charity work, in
Passionate about using her status to make a positive change in the world Elizabeth had progressive and liberal political beliefs. Pluto in Cancer is in Montgomery’s 10th house of public image and reputation, making a trine to her 6th house Mercury in Pisces. This enabled her to take collective issues, give them a compassionate voice, and transform the views of others using her public image and ability to influence.
The Legend of Lizzie Borden
Elizabeth liked to maintain a professional image and succeeded in doing so throughout her career. Secretive Pluto in Cancer in the 10th house echoes the privacy aspect of her 4th house Moon in Capricorn, sitting below the horizon at the midnight position (the most hidden area of the chart). In keeping with this, she preferred to keep her private life out of the spotlight.
Interestingly, Elizabeth starred in a 1975 historical mystery TV film as Lizzie Borden, an American woman who was accused of murdering her father and step-mother in 1892.
Little did she know at the time, but she and Lizzie Borden were sixth cousins once removed, both descending from 17th-century Massachusetts resident John Luther. Genealogist Rhonda McClure, who documented the Montgomery-Borden connection, said, “I wonder how Elizabeth would have felt if she knew she was playing her own cousin.“
The elevated placement of Pluto in Montgomery’s 10th house is a signature for playing characters with an air of mystery, powerful secrets, and taboo subjects – a witch is one great expression of this; unknowingly playing her own cousin in a true-crime murder-mystery adaptation is another!
Would she have played the role had she known it was her family story being showcased for the world to witness? With her Capricorn Moon and Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) below the horizon, it’s likely she probably wouldn’t or would have experienced some level of internal conflict in doing so.
Interestingly her chart suggests she was born to reveal a hidden aspect of her family dynamics. The Moon – ruler of her Cancer Midheaven – sits in Elizabeth’s 4th house raising her roots into her profession.
Awakener Uranus – ruler of Aquarius and Elizabeth’s 5th house of performance – is in conjunction with her trailblazing Sun in Aries.
Uranus, ruler of mortality and traditional ruler of Aquarius disposits serious Saturn in Elizabeth’s chart. Her 4th house, IC and Moon (all in Capricorn) are ruled by Saturn bringing her home, family life, the psychological basement, into her acting career.
Balancing Passion With Compassion
The stelliums in Montgomery’s natal chart created
The influence of the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) in Montgomery’s chart being closely related to her personal planets gave her the ability to participate in issues which impacted her generation (and those to come) by becoming actively involved in movements of change – some very progressive considering the attitude of the times she lived in.
Interactions in her personal and romantic relationships also played a huge role in her life, and she married for a fourth time in January 1993 to Robert Foxworth, her partner of 20 years.
On May
An audio version of Chicken Soup for the Soul was recorded by 21 celebrities for Learning Ally in her memory for her dedication to their cause, after her passing in 1995.
Elizabeth Montgomery came from a place of compassion in her relationship with mankind as a whole. It could be said that she believed in love right to the very end.
Image: By ABC Television Uploaded by We hope at en.wikipedia – eBay itemphoto frontphoto back, Public Domain
Artwork: Stefanie James
This was wonderful, thank you
Thank you so much Andrea 🙂