At my Saturn return, one aspect of my life was (thankfully) grinding to a permanent halt, as another area was sparking into life – my first inkling of this was my interest in the beginner’s astrology course at the London School of Astrology.
I was apprehensive – I wasn’t sure what to expect and as a Capricorn with a Venus–Saturn square, I was nervous to invest my time and money in something so ‘unconventional’.
So, I picked up the phone and had the first conversation I would ever have with my mentor and the principal of the LSA, Frank C Clifford who immediately put my mind at ease. I decided to sign up to the first term and ended up staying for four years!
Frank was the first teacher I ever had who truly captured my imagination and guided me through such a complex area of study with such passion and experiential knowledge, it was impossible not to be completely riveted.
I have so much love for Frank and his kindness and generosity. I can’t even begin to imagine what my life would be like had I not made that call all those years back!
Below is a short and sweet Q&A with Frank, which he completed in 2018.

Frank Clifford
Will you share your big three?
Aries sun, Virgo moon & Gemini ascendant.
How would you describe yourself?
I’m my own person. Integrity and generosity are important to me.
What type of astrology do you practice and how many years have you been practicing?
Humanistic astrology. Started teaching myself in 1989; consultations from 1994; teaching/lecturing from 2002.
Are you typical of your sun-sign?
In many ways. But: I have lots of patience when teaching, I don’t have a fiery temper, and I don’t forgive easily. I’m trying to work on the last one.
What attracted you to astrology and your particular area of interest?
Understanding myself and then understanding everyone around me.
Which areas would you like to learn more/study give more time to?
So many areas to research. Give me three lifetimes and I’ll get it all done. Actually, I want to be learning well into my nineties.
Which zodiac and house system do you use and why is that your preference?
Tropical. Equal. They work well with forecasting and natal analysis.
If you could travel back and experience any transit again, which would it be and why?
Pluto on the Descendant with the foreknowledge that it was ok to be myself.
What is the most satisfying thing about being an astrologer?
Helping people have that ‘aha’ moment, which leads to living a more authentic life for themselves.
What’s your favourite song and your favourite era of music?
I grew up in the early 1980s so I love that era.
What were you like in high school?
Quiet, unadventurous and shy, and longing not to be.
What’s the last thing you watched on TV and why did you choose to watch it?
The Staircase (Netflix), which reminded me of the strength we all have inside of us … although the film is about a miscarriage of justice, which makes me feel sick to my stomach.
Which 4 guests (dead or alive) would you invite to a dinner party and why?
Linda Goodman (to share her magical, other-worldly insights), Martina Navratilova (to show me courage and how to win), Anthony Robbins (to get to the heart of how we can all help ourselves – I have newfound respect for him) and I’d pick one of my favourite singers (to share stories and tunes with us).
What 3 courses would you serve your guests?
Whatever they wanted to eat that wouldn’t stop the flow of conversation.
What’s the last book that you read and your favourite book?
I’m always reading biographies. Just finished one on the death of Natalie Wood, the witty life of Beryl Reid, and re-read the story of the Supremes by Mary Wilson.
Do you have any advice for the new student astrologers out there?
Yes! Find a teacher who wants you to be the best astrologer and person you can be.
Is there anything else you’d like to share?
Yes. I’m proud of what you’re doing, Stefanie.
⬆️ Aw shucks! Thank you Frank, your support means so much to me. 😊
How would you like people to connect with you?
Politely 🙂 as I try to be when connecting with others.
Please include a Bio here
Hmm. There are lots of bios online from various conferences I’ve given. Just facts, places and publications. A CV of sorts, not the real me. Most importantly, I’m a son, brother, uncle, husband, lover and friend. I’d like to be remembered as someone who supported those who needed it, and someone with a wicked sense of humour who could always find a funny side to life but who, when necessary, could be serious and kind and earnest.
Frank Clifford is a British astrologer and palmist who has been writing and lecturing on both subjects for 30 years. He has run the popular London School of Astrology since 2004. In 1996 Clifford founded Flare Publications, and since then he has edited and published over two dozen astrology books.
In September 2012, at the annual Astrological Association Conference, Clifford became the thirteenth (and youngest) winner of The Charles Harvey Award for Exceptional Service to Astrology.