Hello everyone, welcome to my 7th Video Blog about the Full Moon at 3° Virgo. The Sun-Moon opposition of February 2016 falls in Pisces & Virgo. The Sun in Pisces is in conjunction with the modern ruler of Pisces, Neptune adding an extra sensitive quality to this Full Moon. With watery Pisces and earthy Virgo bringing a real ‘Body, Mind and Spirit’ feel to this Full Moon, this is a good time to get in touch with the recesses of the subconscious and draw on your true creative essence.
Good News
I have some exciting news! As of this week I will be working from a clinic in Greenwich where I am setting up my Astrology Practice, seeing clients for Astrological consultation and practicing Reiki. I am extremely excited about having an office space to see clients as I haven’t had a suitable work environment for quite some time and it has always been very difficult getting any of my work done. For an excellent example of this, see my rant below!
Please get in touch using the contact form if you are interested in booking an appointment with me, meetings can be held over Skype or in person.

I really wanted to get a blog written for this Full Moon (and so many other astrological events so far this year) but I have been extremely busy of late. I haven’t had the time due to some of the major changes occurring in my life – thanks, Uranus.
I feel like crying – I made this Vlog earlier today and I have spent the entire day running around trying to find a wifi-connection to upload my Vlog and get it posted for your viewing pleasure, prior to the Full Moon at 18:29 GMT. Sadly I was unable to find somewhere to upload the video with a stable wifi connection (for the 2nd week running) and it ended up takig me all day to upload this simple video. I am experiencing some major Saturnian problems at the moment and can really feel his approach to my Descendant.
What this Full Moon has made abundantly clear to me is that I really need to upgrade my equipment, potentially migrating over to the dark side (Apple). It is so infuriating taking the time to plan and film a video, only to experience issues when uploading in time for viewing before the celestial event discussed. With Saturn causing blockages to my progress, I am incredibly stressed (as you can probably tell). It would be great to just get it all off my chest and have a rant on video to upload onto YouTube but it would take so long, the whole exercise would be futile – though I know it would actually be hilarious to watch at a later date.
Regardless, I have decided to persevere and upload the video anyway, it would be such a shame to waste all this time and effort and have absolutely nothing to show for it. I hope you enjoy it, even if you are watching it post-Full Moon.