Hold tight! This is a high energy month with a lot of twists and turns. Managed correctly you will emerge feeling empowered!

You hit the ground running which is such a welcome change after feeling stuck in a rut for so long. A shift in perspective gives you hope and frees you from what once seemed to be an impossible situation and possibilities open up for you after being confined to one outcome for such a long time.

If you’ve had concerns over the true intentions of a female associate, they might be cleared up for you early in the month, and if you’ve not felt like an equal, this could be the perfect time to address the imbalance and enjoy a sense of equality.

As the month gains momentum, career and relationships will be your main point of focus. This will become more apparent around the 9th as an energetic configuration forms in the heavens. You may want to hide-out at home during this time, but you’ll be prompted into action. A dynamism is coaxed out of you which gives you the energy to cope with situations which normally drain you.

The 17th’ Full Moon brings your focus to the give and take aspect of your nature; if things haven’t been equal for some time then it is now that the imbalance will be highlighted. Tensions will fray on the approach to the 21st, and heated words could create more than just an atmosphere, when either side refuses to back down.

Avoid the direct approach – take advantage of diplomatic Venus’ powers of subtle persuasion when dealing with others and they could come away supporting your mission.

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