Your romantic endeavours are in focus this month, getting a boost from bountiful and abundant Jupiter who enters your relationships zone from the 8th. This transit lasts the entire year! Hooray! This is an opportunity to explore and learn through your relationships with others; opportunity and adventure will present through others and your future horizons will broaden.
Your ruling planet Mercury turns retrograde on the 17th, sparking a philosophical look at your relationships with others. Are you spending too much time accommodating the wrong people, family included? If you’re single, this could be the month all that changes! Whatever the score, you’ll certainly feel a shift in your attitude towards relationships. Maybe it’s time to take a leap of faith?
Involvement in your community and social projects get some recognition from the 15th which fires you into action. The Full Moon on the 23rd highlights give and take, and is a great time for self-reflection as well as reconnecting with activities which ignite your creative self-expression. The opportunity to see your ideas produce tangible results begins to unfold and from the 25th, following the path of least resistance will give the best results. Have faith in your intuition.