Seana and I decided to go with the flow over the weekend and record a show about all the recent happenings which have been occurring in the media as a result of the planetary transits.
We had originally planned to speak to a guest for The HIJAC Radio Podcast. However, that old trickster and all-around naughty boy Mercury was up to his usual retrograde antics, hijacking our airwaves to wreak havoc on Seana and I.
Not to be defeated – even with the heavy planetary pick-n-mix that’s been occurring of late – we decided to stay online and have a little astro-chat.
And what a wonderful catch up it was; thirty minutes of unbridled fun with some compelling insights, controversial confessions, and survival tips – Seana and I cover a lot of ground in a short space of time.
Let’s be honest – we go deep pretty quick, I get pretty vexed about stuff and we both manage to inspire each other to keep delving into different areas of thought. We make a great twosome, even if I do say so myself!
Check out the links below to catch up on some of the articles mentioned during our conversation which are still totally relevant – Mars is retrograde until the end of August (the 27th) and Mercury enters direct-motion on August 19th.
U R an Ass
Oh, and “You are an Ass”, sorry, I mean Uranus (good one Seana), is going to be in Taurus for quite some time, so don’t forget to catch up with what it means for you.
As mentioned in the podcast, there’s no point trying to diet right now (speaking from experience) so if you are struggling with self-control, cut yourself a little slack. I’m not just saying that to make myself feel better (though I’ve had no dietary self-control for about a month) it’s true: Mars Retrograde cranks the dial up on what we desire, and down on tact and patience. If you’ve experienced issues with snacking more than usual or just difficulty in controlling those impulses, remember to take one day at a time and button that lip!
O…K… That’s quite enough procrastinating from me! I should be planning Friday’s Uranus–Neptune talk for Woking Astrology Group, as well as getting the August ‘Scopes written! But somehow I’ve fiddled around with my website all day and even managed to write an impromptu blog post.
It’s like magic or something – What can I say? I’m a PRO-crastinator.
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I absolutely love this moment of inspiration!
Thank you Seana – Procrastination is my greatest source of creativity!