After a weekend of review and reversal of your recent choices, the 3rd of December prompts the desire to explore new potentials in pursuit of the things (and people) you are truly passionate about.
With the month progressing, a sense of looming responsibility clamps down on your desire to enjoy fun and freedom. However, it isn’t all heaviness as you are able to embrace a positive (albeit) intense boost as far as the living situation is concerned.
The 15th is a time where others will take advantage if you let your guard down, hearing all those X-Factor style sob stories may tug at the heart-strings, but don’t let a charitable cause trick you into handing over your hard earned cash if it leaves you in a sticky spot. Make sure you take the coming weeks and party season into consideration.
Mercury retrograde has got you all het up as old friends who have entered your life have ignited your passions. During the throes of party season, the Full Moon on the 22nd highlights a time of energetic exposure for you. You could start growling at the moon, or you might need to run and hide behind a rock. It’s an unstable time for you as you process some of the buried psychology the year has left you to deal with. It’s a good time to be gentle with yourself, and just like the cats who like to curl up next to the radiator and zone out of the humdrum, I suggest you do too!
Read more:
Venus Retrograde 2018 | Bipolarity And Lacking Clarity
Mars Retrograde 2018 | The Peak of the Furnace
Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It
Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom
Mercury Retrograde November 2018 | Hammer Of The Gods