It’s about to get intense Libra! Your ruling planet Venus is moving into Scorpio compelling you to attack life in an immersive and all-encompassing way. Feeling disillusioned with your daily routine, it might be a good idea to channel your energy into some sort of exercise or creativity to inspire you and sharpen your focus.
Mercury retrograde has brought up issues of communication for you and you may not be able to trust the stories you are being told. Are you being paranoid, or do you have good cause to feel suspicious?
Addressing how much you value yourself, and your financial situation, the 14th is a good day to look at how to transform your financial sitch. There’s no denying the festive season will drain your funds. You’ll be able to apply a practical attitude to things and come up with a basic structure to implement approaching the New Year.
Your relationship zone has been a little unstable over the past month; spontaneity and the pull to independence have taught you one thing, expect the unexpected and go with the flow! Don’t put up with a flakey attitude from others if it bothers you, and in turn, make sure you don’t make promises to others if there’s a chance you won’t keep them.
The Full Moon this month highlights your career and aspirations, giving you cause to do some soul searching and connect with something that really matters to you. If you’ve been putting in the effort, the fruits of your labour will receive recognition during this time.
Read more:
Venus Retrograde 2018 | Bipolarity And Lacking Clarity
Mars Retrograde 2018 | The Peak of the Furnace
Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It
Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom
Mercury Retrograde November 2018 | Hammer Of The Gods