September 23-October 23

The past year has posed many questions for you, and communication has been key during this time.

Conversations around location, amenities, and a trusted network have taken a front seat for you as you’ve assessed your surroundings.

Now you’ve reached a conclusion that feels right for your future, it’s time to lay some roots and build somewhere to call home. 

During this time you may decide to explore your history, your role within the family and who you are on a core level.

However, this quest reaches so much farther than the general concept of home and family – this is a subconscious awakening offering freedom from deep-rooted habits, bonds and family indoctrination handed down through the generations. 

If you take time to investigate your past deeper than you ever have, you’ll stand taller with a confidence that comes from truly respecting yourself and your personal limits.

This horoscope was originally created for The Ethical Hedonist Magazine.

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