The ingress of the Sun into Cardinal Air sign Libra marks the start of Autumn and is the Equinox point. Cardinality is the initiator of the modes; in Air I think of it as being that first breath of cool air when you step out of a stuffy room. It fills the lungs with that much needed freshness and really brings clarity and a sense of alertness to the mind, comparable to the perspective a fresh pair of eyes can bring to a situation.
When the Sun is in Libra, areas of your life that require balance and a sense of equilibrium will be put under the spotlight. Some may find balance through relationships as they learn a lot about themselves through other people and the compromises they are willing to make. Other people may find themselves in resolving conflict in situations where they have to mediate disputes and create harmony.
Now is a good time to look at your relationships and understand where sacrifices might need to be made for the greater good. This will inevitably raise issues of your own worth when trying to understand how far the boundary lies between yourself and your partner. If you have suspected for a long time that there is an imbalance in your relationship and one person is giving more than the other, this is a time to address that issue. Of course, when the Sun is in Libra by transit you will find a diplomatic way of doing so.
By no means is this exclusive to your romantic liaisons; all relationships will be highlighted right now, be it with your colleagues, family, or even your enemies. If you have been feeling overlooked at work and want to be treated as an equal, this is the time to bring it up! If you are being treated like the black sheep of the family, bleat like mad until your voice is heard so you can establish fair-footing! If your friendships have turned sour or your enemies are closer than arms-length, this is the time to kill them with kindness! Libra is ruled by Venus and she can be very persuasive as an attractive seductress and by being able to manipulate situations in her favour. She will do so by convincing you that her idea was actually your idea, and that idea is AMAZING!
If you have been experiencing conflict in your relationships, this would be a great time for you to seek couples counselling. If you are not in a relationship, no doubt this will be a time where you will be thinking about finding that special someone. If you aren’t in a relationship and all that comes on television is repeats of Ross and Rachel getting back together, one of the many chick-flicks out there, or re-runs of Don’t tell the Bride, I suggest watching Frasier – his love-life made my sudden-spinsterhood seem much more bearable!
Aesthetics and beauty will be in focus for you and and during the time the Sun is in Libra you may want to spend time beautifying yourself. think about how you can maintain balance in your life; It’s a great time to indulge with girlfriends and enjoy a spa day, or a pyjama party with face-packs. You might allow yourself a bit of time to enjoy a bath after that jog around the neighbourhood. It’s about striking a balance between tending to the needs of others, and making time for yourself.