I decided this month to publish a monthly horoscope with a focus on Venus Retrograde – hence the name Venus Retro ‘Scopes. Partially because I wanted to make less work for myself, but also because I wanted to zone-in and make sense of a specific transit.
So actually, my monthly horoscope is a little late, plus it’s a horoscope which spans October and November. Don’t worry, I’m still going to write monthly horoscopes for November, I just wanted to get involved with something a little different.
It’s certainly an eventful period, there are plenty of key dates to keep your eyes peeled for, and by the time Venus goes direct, we’ll have to get our heads screwed on to deal with Mercury retrograde!
For more on Venus retrograde, read my post: Venus Retrograde | Lacking Clarity and Bipolarity for a deeper exploration of Venus’ movements over the next 6 weeks.

Venus Retrograde Key Dates
01 – Pluto stations direct
02 – ¾ Moon in Leo
05 – Venus enters retrograde motion | Venus square Mars and Lilith
09 – New Moon at 15° Libra at 03:47 BST
10 – Mercury enters Scorpio
14 – Moon conjunct Saturn
15 – Mercury conjunct Venus
16 – Venus opposite Uranus | ¼ Moon in Capricorn | Saturn–Moon–Pluto in Capricorn square Sun in Libra
17 – Moon square Venus
19 – Venus sextile Saturn | Venus opposite Uranus | Venus conjunct Mercury
20 – Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces
22 – Moon quincunx Venus
23 – Sun enters Scorpio | Sun conjunct Venus opposite Uranus
24 – Full Moon at 1° Taurus at 16:45 BST | Sun conjunct Venus opposite Moon conjunct Uranus trine/sextile Saturn
27 – Moon in Gemini quincunx Venus
28 – Daylight saving ends in the UK (the clocks ‘fall’ back and we gain an hour)
29 – Mercury conjunct Jupiter | Moon trine Venus
30 – Venus Sesquisquare Neptune
31 – Moon square Venus | Venus enters Libra | Mercury enters Sagittarius | ¾ Moon in Cancer | Halloween
03 – Venus trine Mars | Mercury enters Sagittarius
06 – Uranus enters Aries | Moon conjunct Venus
07 – New Moon at 15° Scorpio at 16:02 GMT/UT
08 – Jupiter enters Sagittarius
09 – Jupiter–Moon–Mercury conjunction in Sagittarius
11 – Moon sextile Venus
13 – Moon square Venus
15 – ¼ Moon at 23° Aquarius | Venus enters station | Venus trine Moon | Venus trine Mars | Mars Enters Pisces
16 – Venus square Pluto | Moon conjunct Mars
17 – Venus enters direct motion | Mercury retrograde
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With Venus in your house of contracts and commitments, you may have a sudden change of heart, on an agreement you entered into. Often with there matters, a middle-man is necessary to untangle any crossed wires, so you could be in contact with solicitors, legal advisors or insurance companies. Venus calls for a review of the distribution of wealth and equal division of assets. With the attracting and repelling energy in full throes, expect to feel like having a total clear out of your belongings, but don’t be too hasty and throw the baby out with the bath water! And don’t be throwing out possessions that belong to others. The ‘ex-boyfriend ceremony’ episode of Friends springs to mind!
As Venus is your ruling planet, a strong desire for freedom could take hold during this time and you may wake up to the fact that you’ve been giving way too much of your time to other people, for not much in return. Taking a retrospective glance over your relationships, you might feel trapped in your current circumstances through guilt or carrying a secret which has the power to transform the situation. An old flame may turn up a few hidden surprises, which could prove to be a wake-up-call. Once Venus dips into Libra It’s also a good time to address lifestyle and habits which have been creeping in, and remember why you were making the changes in the first place.
Feeling the financial strain, daily life might feel at crisis point and looking elsewhere for in the hope that your value is recognized could be the case. Feeling bound to your position through obligation, the commitment for you runs so much deeper than ‘just a job’ as you have given part of your soul to make the current situation work. Try to resist the temptation to walk away from it all; you have options! Retreat and take some time to meditate, reconnect and gain perspective. Once Venus moves into Libra, you’ll find it easier to enjoy the blessings and the fun side of life, and letting go of the negative crap. If you’ve been engrossed in the difficulties that the daily grind presents you for a while, it’s a good time to embrace your hobbies again.
Longing for more time to spend doing the things you love with the people you love, (and let’s face it – that’s at home with your family, Cancer) you’ll be getting some positive vibes from miss Venus during her regressive and nostalgic state. It might be a case of looking over the finer details and addressing the bare-bones of your financial situation. Old romantic longings twinge from deep within, and your love life could be ignited. Once Venus dips back into Libra, compromise at home could have you feeling like you need to get out and get some fresh air! However, with the right approach, balance can be restored and if you’ve had to do a lot of giving out of obligation, this might be the time your devotion and effort pays off.
Initial friction for you during Venus retrograde leave you with the feeling that relationships are tough! Home life is challenging for you, In fact, they’ve been intense for the past year. Wanting to give more to the world, but needing to make enough money to do the things you want to do, financial commitments at home have you wishing for more freedom. With a dramatic crescendo in your relationships, you might be craving more space than you had even considered in the first place. Once Venus dips back into Libra, you will be seeking a mediator, someone who can advise you. You need to have a conversation about what is fair, whether you need to work harder at things of if things are at a point that you need to leave it be.
Intense involvement and deep conversations with someone local to you could end up making you look back at previous relationships to assess where you have gone wrong in the past and where you are going with this particular linguistic liaison. This has holiday romance written all over it, regardless of whether you’re traveling abroad, or met during the school holidays. With one of you blowing hot and the other cold, you can’t help but feel an intuition that you aren’t romantically synchronizing for a reason. With Venus dipping into Libra, a reminder of what is most important to you will be highlighted. Giving so much of yourself to help others is a Virgoan trait, but you really mustn’t compromise in matters of the heart.
Lately, it seems that as soon as the money arrives in your left hand it leaves you through the right. Unwise investments, feeling indebted to others and a period of overindulgence has left you with a feeling off-kilter. Disillusioned with the daily grind, you’ll be grateful to have some stability as soon as you find out what it really is that you want to do. Once your ruling planet Venus enters Libra, you’ll seek to examine your self-worth, re-establishing your individuality as you untangle yourself from some intense involvements with others. If you’ve been compromising major aspects of your personality and self-expression for too long, these issues will be brought to the fore so you work on your self-esteem, and invest in yourself rather than spending so much time focussing on others.
Venus is here to ask you directly: How much do you value yourself an are you making sacrifices for a relationship which drains you more than it energizes you? This period will have you looking back at the part you have played in your previous relationships as well as the sacrifices you have made in order for them to work. Are you holding on to something which no longer serves you? Do you feel a sense of obligation? Or do you fear the loss of structure that a relationship provides? When dipping back into Libra, some revelations about your relationships and the ‘unseen’ dynamics present themselves for review. Intuition about your partners will be stronger, so consider this when taking your next steps. In addition, you might conclude you’ve undersold yourself at work, causing you to look elsewhere.
You will be reviewing your commitments and shared ideas in relationships with friends and romantic partners. If you are tied to another person by a shared contract, Venus’ retrograde period in your chart gives you an opportunity to unpick the deep entanglement and reach a fair conclusion where you can both find a point of compromise. Work and routine is also highlighted for you, which has been getting a shake-up since May by Uranus in Taurus – that’s some unsteady ground you’ve been standing on! If someone isn’t pulling their weight, or keeping their side of the bargain, you could find yourself at the end of your tether. Sagittarius can’t stand hypocrisy! Reviewing your contribution to work and shared goals, do you still resonate with the moral mission you initially signed up for?
Sharing your skills to contribute towards a cause, Venus has you looking at some of the less desirable aspects of your community and what the value of your contribution is worth. This whole year has had a community focus for you, contributing to an overarching cause or finding your ‘tribe’. Looking back at an issue of unfairness or inequality, you will be digging deep to assess whether you should continue in the pursuit of justice. Thinking about campaigning for others or fighting for a good cause you’ll be revising the cause you give your time to. This could also be a time where you look more closely at your circle of friends or social group. Once Venus enters Libra you’ll assess your priorities: Should you ask for a pay rise, or go for a better-paid job?
Work home and travel are highlighted for you Aquarius as you review where to lay your roots. This may be a time of looking at your career and asking if your heart is really in it. Or is there a deeper reason for being there where you are? Career development has been on your mind for some time, and with benefic Venus giving you a bountiful boost, making changes during this period won’t be too difficult for you. Long-distance love is also highlighted for you as Venus moves back into Libra, as she inspires you to broaden horizons she also asks if you consider the bigger picture enough in your relationships and whether the stakes equal in your current arrangement? It might be time to lay down the law.
Other people’s resources are highlighted for you meaning you could get reimbursed funds you’ve loaned, or be asked to pay outstanding debts. However, there is an element of toxicity about this period, which means this means you have to put your plans on hold for a detox, for your general wellbeing! During this period you’ll be considering future plans as you deal with the bondage of the past, relationships, and your contractual agreements with others. Events may cause you to review your philosophy and give you a whole new outlook on life and your future. This is also a good time to understand the hidden motivations of others, as well as being interested in immersively exploring subjects like psychology or life’s mysteries. Ultimately this could benefit your earning potential and future employment prospects.
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