There is currently a Stellium in Capricorn which contains within it, the New Moon. Accompanying the New Moon is Saturn, Mercury, Lilith, Pluto, and Venus. This is the time to take our relationships more seriously and start fresh. A secret which has been kept or a truth which has been hidden is now ready to to be uncovered, and the longing for something which has been lost can finally be put to rest.
Venusian blessing
The Moon will pass Venus tomorrow and that brings a much lighter feeling, as opposed than the beginning of the month when there was the heaviness of Saturn. As soon as Mercury entered Capricorn, it was easier to express the feeling of struggle and difficulty – the usual January strife!
The New Moon in Capricorn is in conjunction with Venus and Mercury is in conjunction with Saturn, the ruling planet of Capricorn. This makes for a tactful way to have a potentially difficult or serious conversation. Be it about taking responsibility or setting boundaries, having Venus in the mix allows conversations to be fair and diplomatic.
Lilith however, will ask us to address something that we cannot articulate. Something which we know we cannot have, but we truly wish we could. It is something that we want to possess, and are in fear of letting go. We value this object highly and though we know it is irrational, we can’t bare to release our grip of it. It is a struggle between being fair, or holding on to irrational longing.
This New Moon wields enormous power, which is why we should harness it’s power to sow the seeds to bring our future plans or projects into fruition. If we can release our grip on the past, we can embrace the promise of the future. This is the seeding point for new structures to be formed, so if you want to implement system in your life, or a new discipline, now is the time.
Don’t forget to start creating your New Moon Wish List. If you haven’t already, download your copy now, completely free! Make sure you do, and get listing! If you aren’t sure what to do, check out my blog post Carpe Mensis: Creating a New Moon Wish List.
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Great! I’m glad you found it useful! 🙂