The New Moon at 27°07’ on February 15th 2018 at 21:05 UT offers the opportunity to rationalise a situation which has been tangled up in emotion and blown out of proportion. There is a gift from Uranus, the planet of sudden change and cutting of ties – currently situated in Aries – as it is able to offer fresh perspective. This may occur as a sudden realisation that things have, or need to change. Perhaps it comes as a bolt from the blue with no prior warning – Uranus in Aries is very swift and gathers no moss! Whatever this moment of realisation is, it may well pull the rug from underneath you leaving you out there, on your own, flat on your derrière. This shift of consciousness from your previous state will offer enough clarity for you to look at the truth of the situation no matter how deeply buried it may have been.
The Allegory of the Cave
In London according to Universal Time (UT), the ascendant sign for this New Moon is in Libra, the sign of relationships, law and harmony. Often when Libra is in the mix, there is the need for diplomacy in some way or another, and there will have been a situation which needs to be tempered – before tempers fray! Venus, ruler of Libra is in Pisces during the New Moon. Venus in Pisces is a soft, malleable and Pisces is a creative place for her. In a sextile to Saturn, she can immerse herself in the comfort of a dreamy, protective littoral cave. However, her locality in this picturesque hidey-hole may actually be more like the Plato’s ‘Allegory of the Cave‘, obscuring her true perception of the outside world. Being thrust into the broad daylight outside the cave before she is ready can feel unfair. But if the conditions are right, she might just cope.
With Jupiter, planet of excess, currently transiting Scorpio, sign of secrets and transformation, the challenge of this New Moon is the desire to remain anonymous, whilst dealing with the revelatory power of Uranus who is offering an opportunity for whatever is below the surface, to expose itself. Both truthful signs, Scorpio wants to hold the truth down and keep it hidden in the depths, whilst Aquarius wants to thrust it up and onto the podium for all to see. This is an uncomfortable tension battling between self-preservation and the preservation of peace for all in the long-term. The phrase “you’ve got to be cruel to be kind” might be reverberating around your cranium right now and it’s true – the truth can be painful, but it’s also the key to closure and the fast-track to healing.
The Direct Approach
Speaking of temper, solo adventurer and spontaneous Mars in Sagittarius has a lot to say to both Aries and Scorpio as he is the ruler of both signs (traditionally Scorpio), giving him extra communication power to Jupiter and Uranus during this New Moon – especially to Jupiter as they are in each other’s signs meaning they are in mutual reception. Imagine popping over to your neighbours’ house and them popping into yours at the same time, and having a chat with them over the garden fence. They have a familiarity of territory enabling ease of communication. This makes Mars intrinsic to the process of this New Moon. As Sagittarius is such a buoyant and footloose sign it really allows a direct approach to the issues arising from the preceding days, through an honest and truthful lens. Sagittarius isn’t one to hold on, so the new information to be processed will be dealt with and released.
Are you currently keeping the truth from yourself? Holding on to a situation which is overdue for change? Or are you moving forward, ready for a new chapter and prepared to leave the past where it belongs? The future is a scary and unknown place if you wish to remain in the comfort of the familiar. But if you can let go, embrace the potential of the unknown and release your grip on now, the first day of the rest of your life is before you. Equipped with the knowledge of the past, you can become the new and improved you.
Clear headed and authentic, listen to your logic, and love the path you have chosen. The footprints of your past are being washed away by the waves; your blank canvas awaits.
Don’t forget to start creating your New Moon Wish List. If you haven’t already, download your copy now, completely free! Make sure you do, and get listing! If you aren’t sure what to do, check out my blog post Carpe Mensis: Creating a New Moon Wish List.
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