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Personal Podcast Reading


“I couldn’t believe the accuracy”

I’ve featured many listener charts on The Stellium Astrology Podcast. During those episodes I would intuitively explore the listeners’ natal chart, cutting to the core of an issue very quickly.

This Pre-Recorded Audio Reading is the same format: I tune in to your chart and explore areas I feel drawn to, whether being highlighted by a current planetary transit, or a potent natal placement.

Alternately, you can request specific areas of interest or answer any questions you have during this time.

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Astrology ∙ Intuitive ∙ Core
Pre-recorded ∙ Audio Only
Up to 60 minutes

This is a pre-recorded audio reading for those curious to learn more about their charts, or requiring insight, clarity, and guidance during challenging times; this reading can highlight hidden gems and personal strengths.

You can enhance your reading by adding the Video Upgrade Booster to your cart when checking out.

This service is perfect if you’re:

  • a podcast enthusiast who enjoys putting your headphones in and blocking out the world around you
  • curious to learn more about yourself by listening to a personalised exploration of your chart
  • hoping for deeper insight and understanding about the current issues impacting you
  • leading a busy life with little spare time for a face-to-face meeting
  • living in a time-zone which makes booking face-to-face difficult
  • keen to have a reading but don’t want to wait for my face-to-face availability
  • ready for an enlightening, and transformative look at yourself through the lens of astrology

If you agree with just one of these statements then this reading is for you!

Once your reading is complete, you will receive:

  • Your MP3 Audio reading
  • Any documents and natal charts discussed
  • Access to your personal folder where all files are stored


  1. This is a recorded audio reading – we will not be meeting face-to-face/online.
  2. Please book an appointment slot and complete the intake form to secure your reading.
  3. Upon completion of booking you will receive further instructions.
  4. Depending on the wait list, it may take up to 4 weeks to be recorded and sent to you.
  5. Check out the FAQ’s for what to expect


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