October 23-November 22

Being one of the fixed signs of the zodiac you normally opt for a “better the devil you know” approach.

However, devil’s advocate Mercury, moonwalks through your sign until the 20th leading you off the beaten track.

If you’re craving a bit of excitement there’s no need to take immediate action – use the retro-analytical skill-set that Mercury brings, and explore the root of your thoughts and feelings.

An alternative approach could be exactly what you need to spice things up and spark your intrigue.

Cue motivational Mars, waiting impatiently for his grand entrance to Scorpio on the 19th.

Make sure you’re you’re fighting fit with plenty of rest and some immune-boosting Echinacea, or you could burn out just as he arrives!

This horoscope was originally created for The Ethical Hedonist Magazine

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