There’s no ignoring the brooding and mysterious presence of Keanu Reeves. What with his good looks and penetrating stare, the appealing element to the Canadian actor’s chart is his Virgo stellium, visible as the intellect and intensity which he exudes. It’s hard to believe that the actor is now in his 50’s with an impressive back-catalog spanning more than thirty years!

In: Beirut (Lebanon)
1st House Virgo Stellium
Able to communicate without uttering a single word, Keanu Reeves’ hypnotic gaze sparks intrigue and magnetism. Paired with intellectual depth and originality, not only does Keanu have Sun–Mercury and ascendant in Virgo, he also has outer planets Uranus and Pluto in the mix creating a powerful stellium.
With his Midheaven in mutable Gemini (also ruled by Mercury) Keanu’s ability to adapt and refine his craft has favored him portraying a variety of roles and genres. Keanu isn’t afraid to venture outside convention to make movies with b-movie status or cult appeal. However, with his magnetic charm, deep and introspective persona and an ability to play the oddball or outsider, he creates a fantastic edge which brings these films to the limelight.
His latest movie with co-star Winona Ryder is Destination Wedding and with Keanu’s chart ruler Mercury overseeing the career point of his chart, it would seem there are no bounds to his versatility as an actor – even in his 50’s, he’s still got it going on! From his Bill and Ted days to the RomCom days of now, Keanu has proved that talent and ability will always overrule trends and fashions when it comes to casting.
11th House Cancer Stellium
Alongside his predominantly Earthy signature, Keanu also has an 11th house Moon plus a Venus–Mars conjunction in moody and protective water sign, Cancer. Keanu’s emotionally intelligent, intuitive, and caring qualities are based around family and friends, which he values highly and needs around him in order to feel nourished and at ease.
However, Keanus past is tinged with tales of sadness: a relationship breakdown after stillbirth, sudden bereavement, and in recent years of his sister whom he dotes, suffering from Leukemia. His Virgo stellium and Cancer Moon give Keanu his resilient and humble way of dealing with reality.
Cheer Up Keanu
After being photographed sitting on a bench looking sad, a meme went viral and subsequently the 15th June 2015 was named “Cheer Up Keanu Day”. Shortly after this, Keanu authored a book called “Ode to Happiness” which in true Mercurial fashion, was a tongue-in-cheek story of depressive scenarios and trying to look at the bright side – proof that no matter how bleak things might seem, Mercury can always find the bright side – an excellent example of Keanu’s Gemini–Virgo signature.
There seems to be a depth to Keanu which has an alluring quality about it. The emotional dimension which is expressed by his Cancer stellium is sextile his Virgo stellium. This gives him the grit, stamina, and craftsmanship to channel his emotional depth through his acting roles. His stelliums are in harmonious aspect to each other, and both feed into his natal Neptune by trine and sextile. This enables the perfect ability to express these signatures through film, and as Neptune is the ruler of his 7th house and Descendant, puts him in good stead for meeting people who recognise and encourage him to realise his potential.
Saturn opposes Keanu’s Virgo stellium and sits at a 90° angle (square) to his Midheaven (the career point of the chart) forming a dynamic configuration. Other people are serious about what Keanu is capable of as an actor, and they recognise his versatility. His ability to play both light-hearted and serious roles have made him a loveable and well respected cinematic icon.
Keanu is not only a successful actor spanning three decades and a variety of iconic roles, but a compassionate person who doesn’t take himself too seriously; a humble and respectable man who deals with real-life problems with an admirable inner strength.
Image: “File:Keanu Reeves & Tiger Chen & Tim League ‘Man of Tai Chi’ Q&A, Fantastic Fest (10615113585).jpg”
© Anna Hanks from Austin, Texas, USA is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Artwork: Stefanie James