During episode #002 of The Stellium Astrology Podcast I talk about the elected chart for the launch and what this says about my mission with the podcast.
Below are the highlights, links and transcript so if you aren’t able to listen, you can read the episode instead.
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TSAP Natal Chart
Elected Launch of the Podcast
Date: Wednesday 29th July 2020
Time: 09:38am BST (UTC+1)
Location: Northampton, UK
House System: Regiomontanus

Virgo Rising/Ascendant
- Practical and discerning
- Detail oriented
- Methodical
- Down to earth
- Making sense of a complex subject
Virgo is practical, adaptable and helpful sign who enjoys helping others. As the ascendant sign of the chart this makes Virgo’s ruling planet Mercury particularly important in the electional chart.
Sun / Leo / 11H
- Community oriented 11th house
- Friendships and connecting
- Working on a community project
- Shared resources
- Hearty and benevolent
- Humorous, generous and cheerful
The Sun is in the sign he rules in Leo, offering an ease of expression and a fun and enjoyable outlet for creativity, and in the house of the common interests puts the spotlight on community and audience participation!
Moon / Sagittarius / 3H
- The Moon is hungry for information in the 3rd house
- Communication & Ideas
- Connecting the dots
- Learning and labelling
- The house of school and learning ruled by Sagittarius, sign of higher education
- Enthusiastic, Optimistic & Fun!
The Moon is also in a Fire Sign, placing him in a harmonious trine aspect with the Sun. This allows ease of communication between the two and an inspirational spark for anyone drawn to listen to the podcast.
Mars / Aries / 8H
- Independent investigation
- Delving into the depths of mystery subjects like Astrology
- Pioneering the exploration of Astrology and the gifts it can reveal
- Leaving no stone un-turned
Mars is sitting on the cusp of the 8th house where he has a familiarity and connection. It brings out the most obsessive behaviour in him: when he gets a bee in his bonnet he has to get to the bottom of it!
And in it’s rulership in Aries, Mars is happiest left to his own devices to get on with the things he is truly passionate about. A truly binge-worthy placement!
Venus / Gemini / 10H / MC
- Enjoys discovering and sharing ideas
- Values variety and differing perspectives
- Popular, likable and charming
- A passion project rather than a chore!
Venus is in conjunction with the Midheaven (MC) of the chart placing her and her values as primary importance. She enjoys sharing and communicating in chatty Gemini and takes great pleasure in surrounding herself with books and resources to feed her passions.
Mercury / Cancer / 10H
- Providing those searching with the information they need
- Arranging information in a way that is beneficial to others
- Poetic story teller
- Nourishing the mind
- Helping listeners connect with their spiritual roots
Mercury is applying to a sextile to awakener Uranus and has no problem switching between concepts and ideas to expand his knowledge base. This is a great combination for thinking outside the box, abstract ideas, conceptual thinking, enlightened thought and conversation – Sooo astrology!
Capricorn Stellium / 4H
This chart features a Capricorn Stellium which has been the bain of 2020, but carries with it an extremely potent message of longevity, change and improvement.
Gregarious and questing for meaning Jupiter
- The loveable teacher
- The broadcaster
- The exaggerator
- The optimist
- Zeus, God of the Sky and Thunder (Greek), Thor (Norse).
Detail obsessed investigator Pluto
- The non-negotiable force
- Regenerative and resilient
- Mysterious and compelling
- Daring to tread where angels fear to fly
- Hades, God of the underworld (Greek)
Serious and structured Saturn
- The strict and scary teacher
- Concerned with ethics and proper practice
- A stickler for the rules
- Hard-working authoritarian who gleans respect from his peers
- Saturnus (Roman), Kronos (Greek), Odin (Norse)
Neptune / Pisces / 7H / Dsc
- At the sun-set point in sensitive and spiritual Pisces
- Longing to reconnect with the source which it came from
- Tapping into the ancient language of astrology as a way to communicate with the ‘reality’ it finds so alien to connect with
- Neptune (Roman), Poseidon (Greek)
The Lunar Nodes / Gemini–Sagittarius / 4H
The Nodes in Gemini–Sagittarius are on the student–teacher axis, concerned with information gathering, broadcasting and sharing.
- Gemini collects information through the “Who? What? When? Where? How?” inquisition.
- Sagittarius prompts intellectual growth and wider scope through asking “Why?”
The 4th house is known as the psychological basement and the most subconscious part of the chart. Host to the South Node, this is an opportunity for us to recognise unhelpful behaviour patterns and find meaning in events from the past.
The 10th house is the area of mastery, achievement and aspiration, and that which is most in awareness. This house hosts the progressive and comfort-crushing North Node!
I’m hoping this podcast helps us all dig deeper and reach up farther than we’ve done before, based on a level of self-awareness and self-belief that astrology offers us all, with a little study and self-care.
Episode Transcript
Welcome back to The Stellium Astrology Podcast. I’m Stefanie James, and today I’m going to be talking you through some astrology and actually I’m talking you through the time that was elected for The Stellium Astrology Podcast’s launch.
The reason I want to do that is because it’s possible for you to be able to understand my mission and kind of what I hope the podcast is going to achieve through the chart that I elected for it.
2020: A Non-Starter!
It was – IS – a very difficult year to to elect a chart because we’ve had, obviously your usual Mercury retrogrades, but we’ve got the huge Saturn–Pluto conjunction that happened back in January, and Jupiter’s in the mix there as well, but we’ve also got a Venus retrograde (which we’ve fortunately had, and are out of there now), but we now have a Mars retrograde coming up which we have to navigate.
So that’s what makes this year, a little bit more challenging: There’s a lot of difficult planetary happenings, which make it a bit more difficult to pick. The point of election was not to pick the perfect date. As my teacher (Frank C Clifford) said, it’s not necessarily about picking a perfect chart, it’s about avoiding a bad one.
So this year there’s an awful lot of difficult aspects and challenging things going on up there, which you’re probably aware from seeing what’s happening on planet Earth around you. It’s a challenging landscape that we’re working with at the moment.
Choose Your Moments
So what we need to do is find favourable moments and then kind of plot our plans into those favourable moments and get the best out of those moments. And that’s what I’m hoping the elected chart for this podcast has done. I’ve I hope I’ve picked a favourable time to launch it, essentially to give the podcast its birthday.
And this really is a creative passion of mine. So I am in a sense giving birth to this podcast. And fortunately I have opted for a ‘podcast C-section’ at specific time and date – so the elected birth date I think will be most suitable for the podcast, for the listeners and for myself.
So I wanted to dive into some astrology and I don’t want to over-complicate things (I fear I might by doing this) because I know that there are listeners of a variety of different levels of experience with astrology listening to this podcast.
But I wanted to explain my elected chart to you or share it with you so you can try and understand it now, or perhaps even come back at a later date and analyze it yourself once you’ve got the tools to be able to understand.
The Elected Chart
So this is the chart I have elected starts at 09:38 AM (BST / UTC+1).
It’s on the 29th of July, 2020 and my chart is located in Northampton because that’s where I’m recording this episode.
The Front Door
Now initially let’s go straight in the front door – the elected launch of the podcast has Virgo rising. Now the rising sign is the ascendant (that means the same thing) and Virgo rising is practical and discerning. It’s detail orientated, methodical, and down to earth.
I hope, I hope you find me down to earth. You might think I’m a bit of a space cadet. I think I’m a nice balance between the two!
But hopefully through this podcast, we can make sense of a very complex subject.
And that is essentially what astrology is… Unfortunately, it’s very complex and very… there’s just so many… it’s just so multifaceted.
There’s so many levels to astrology – so my aim is really to kind of help you start with the basics and really make sense of things. And that’s that lovely Virgo ascendant that sits as the front door of the chart.
We want to go through the “make sense of everything” door and once we’re inside that front door we can then look towards the sun and the position of the sun is in the community orientated 11th house of friendships and connecting.
Vibing with your Tribe
So, you know, sometimes the 11th house is about finding your tribe, finding your community. And it’s sometimes it’s about working on a project together. And as I previously mentioned, I would like this to be a listener-led podcast.
So, get in touch with me and share your chart details, if I have the opportunity to share it, I will.
Perhaps if we want to talk about a specific area and I think your chart symbolises that, then I would absolutely love to share your charts. So, perfect position for the sun! Because I’ll be finding my stellium friends through this podcast and hopefully connecting with you in a place where we have a common interest, which is exploring a very fascinating subject together.
Eye of the Tiger
The sun in Leo is very hearty and benevolent and also humorous, which I do think that… I would like to have little humorous edge to this podcast. I hope you agree.
And also quite generous and I want to be generous with the information I’ve learned over the years because I think it’s important to share.
And, yeah, of course – very cheerful!
So I’m not going to say I’m going to be perfect and over the top, happy every single time I record an episode – you never know? I hope so, but, you know, I don’t want to be superficial, but I do generally tend to err on the side of optimism and cheer! (Which is strange for a Capricorn like myself).
➡️ Listen to or Read about My Journey into Astrology here
Watering the Roots
So next we have the moon and the moon is where we seek nourishment or where we seek or where we have received nourishment in our lives, and a sense of connection and a sense of a different type of community – a sense of belonging.
And actually the moon happens to fall into the third house of communication and ideas. So this probably means that we are going to share a shared kind of hunger for information gathering and idea sourcing and connecting of the dots.
And it just happens to be in the sign of Sagittarius, which is a lovely teacher-type moon. So you’ll be learning and labelling things in the house of school, but with the sign of the teacher – a very enthusiastic, optimistic and fun teacher.
Inspired and Harmonious Fire Placements
And so that’s the Sun and the Moon, both in fire signs, which are quite inspired. And then we have (I’m skipping to) Mars who happens to be in his home sign of Aries, which is a lovely placement for Mars because he just feels very at home.
It’s like having somebody going for a run, and instead of putting them in the local park, just running over a hilly sort of terrain, It’s like plonking Mars down on the race-track, ready to go at the sound of the gun.
It just putting him in the right environment for him to perform his best. And he just happens to be moving through the eighth house of mysteries. So it’s a really nice placement for an independent and very self-motivated planet and sign to be plonked down into an area which is quite difficult to see with the naked eye.
You have to kind of dig a bit to go into the eighth house, and it’s quite delving into the underworld, almost.
Looking at mystery subjects like astrology and the things that you find through astrology, and leading the way into exploration, definitely astrology is something that offers a lot of gifts to the person who’s looking for answers.
Basically, self exploration is key. So it’s very wonderful, very revealing and Mars in the eighth house really does leave no stone unturned.
So hopefully I am going to satisfy a lot of people who really itchy and desperate to get to the bottom of things.
Sapiosexual Alert!
Now, Venus who comes before Mars usually, happens to be in chatty Gemini. And fortunately she, she also happens to be at the top of the chart elevated in the 10th house. And so that really puts at height of priority, the pleasure and joy of the discovery of ideas and sharing of information, very high on all of our agendas.
And also Venus happens to be up there in the 10th house – very popular, very likable, and very charming.
So you should find that this gives us an over arching sense of just genuinely enjoying this podcast. That’s my hope anyway.
It’s Good to Talk
Now let’s get onto Mercury because mercury tends to be quite an important planet when you’re talking about a project based around communication, because Mercury is the communicator he does like to share and spread ideas.
And he also happens to be elevated in the 10th house, but he’s in Cancer this time. So he’s a bit more of a story teller, quite poetic with arranging information in a way that’s beneficial to other people’s needs.
Yes, it’s quite nice really for Mercury to be up there in the 10th house, cause that also places quite a sense of importance on his job, his role in this podcast.
Prometheus Rising
Another thing is quite nice as he’s going to make a very optimistic aspect: a sextile to Uranus the planet which a lot of people connect with astrology and he’s definitely a planet which is thinking out outside the box. He’s considered to be an awakener.
He’s very good, especially in contact with Mercury when they talk to each other, they really love to explore abstract ideas, getting into concepts rather than necessarily, you know, having things written down in lists like Virgo might.
So coming into conceptual thinking and abstract ideas and through that, they tend to be quite, there’s quite an enlightenment through thought and conversation.
So that’s lovely – I quite happen to like the chart that I’ve elected for this podcast, even though it is currently being elected in a very challenging year for everybody.
So there weren’t many dates this year that were actually going to be very good to elect. And, you know, maybe if I’d have waited for a number of months, I could have done better, but I wanted to get going (perhaps it’s because that Mars in Aries energy – it just really wants you to hit the ground running).
A Heavy Stellium
So just touching on a couple of other things here, we’ve got a Stellium in Capricorn.
➡️ Read What is a Stellium?
I will talk about stelliums later on in another episode. Plenty of stelliums actually! I’m going to go into it, but at the moment I’m going to keep it simple.
So we’ve got a stellium which means that there’s three planets (at least three planets in one sign or house).
We’ve got gregarious and questing for meaning Jupiter and he’s holding hands with investigator and detail-obsessed Pluto, and also they happen to be standing next to very closely (pretty much holding hands, but probably not a good idea during a global pandemic!) serious and structured Saturn in his home sign of Capricorn.
Capricorn is about providing structure and, you know, definitely about getting serious and sticking to rules.
There are rules with astrology, and yes there are ways to do things, but it can also be an intuitive subject too – it depends on what your approach is.
And I’m an open minded person, I like a bit of both. So you know, this triple conjunction, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, all sitting together.
Now Saturn and Pluto often only get together I think once every 35 or 36 years, so that’s quite rare, but for Jupiter to also be involved with those two planets, it’s a 735 year cycle.
So that’s happening now… How wonderful!
Finding Yourself
And so yeah, not the best combination of planets to ever have in a chart, but actually maybe for the listeners of this podcast is because we want to learn, we want to find deeper meaning, we want to understand what’s going on with the world. We want to dig to the bottom. We want to look for the truth and be authentic with ourselves.
And we want to make sense, and we want to provide structure for ourselves in learning about boundaries, about you know, how to respect this amazing craft that predates anything that I know you know, any kind of historical record.
And Capricorn is a sign, It’s an earth sign and it’s at the sea-goat. So the goat is the hooved little mountain-scaling, seeking the higher perspective and being able to survey the land below it.
And then you’ve got the sea-goat, the watery spiritually connected tail of the fish. So it’s a really nice sign actually to have laying at the bottom of the entire chart.
It really describes a sense of deep-change and transformation and a real sense of searching for meaning within ourselves because the fourth house is the lowest part of the chart and also kind of describes the psychological basement.
We’re in this Together
So we’re really going to be delving deep through this subject and Neptune dreamy Neptune happens to be sitting in sensitive and spiritual Pisces, longing to reconnect with the source that it came from and tapping into the ancient language of astrology as a way to communicate with the reality it finds it so alien to connect with.
Now, I’m not saying all Pisces are, you know, unable to process reality or deal with reality. There’s plenty of Pisceans doing a great job of that. But the essence of Pisces isn’t to be Earth-bound and it does look towards subjects that help it get a sense of connecting with something far bigger than ourselves, far bigger than humanity. You know, it’s like the drop in the ocean, and that happens to be sitting in the other person aspect, the opposite side to the rising sign. So the setting sign – the descendant – being in Pisces.
So it means that hopefully by doing what we’re doing, I’m going to be reaching out to people who are actually searching for something a little bit more, who do really want to find deeper deeper answers and a deeper meaning to life, which actually helps them connect with something that, that invisible thing that connects all humanity and not just the humans, not just the animals, but everything from the core of who we are right out into the ends of the universe.
It’s just, you know, that the sense of connection with everything. And I feel like astrology really does bring that for me.
So I really hope that the people that do come and find me through this podcast are going to get that same sense too.
A Karmic Calling Through the Nodes
And just finally, we do have the nodes, the lunar nodes. I will definitely discuss this at some point and they are in the Gemini–Sagittarius axis – Gemini and Sagittarius being opposite signs.
Again, reiterating the learning and teaching see-saw. And so, you know, Sagittarius is also concerned with broadcasting. And as I previously mentioned, the fourth house where, where the Sagittarius then the South node in Sagittarius sits, happens to be the psychological basement and reaching up to the Gemini North node in the 10th house of mastery and achievement and aspiration.
So I’m hoping that we can learn how to truly become the best expressions of ourselves through exploring deep within ourselves, applying astrological principles and techniques to ourselves, and then reflecting them outwards and, engaging with our environment and going out into the world and applying some of these things that we’ve learned and really understanding the world with a whole new layer of meaning.
That’s a Wrap
So, I’m sorry if a lot of that sounded like gobbledygook! It’s actually not gobbledygook – it really will make sense to you.
All I ask is that you put some time in, listen to some of these podcast episodes, make some notes as you go along and you should, as time goes by with some of the book recommendations that I give you, I’m hoping really start to understand and really connect with the subject of astrology, which has brought me so much happiness and so much inner freedom that I just want to share it with everybody that I meet.
So thank you so much for listening. Please subscribe, rate, and review this episode because it just really helps me to connect with other people. As you know, now my, my mission through explaining the chart, I really want people to get something of this in the way that I have.
And I want to attract my people. I want to attract my tribe. So make it easier for them to find me! And if you do leave me a review, I’m definitely going to give you a shout out!
And if you’d like a chance for your chart to be discussed during one of these episodes, please just join my mailing list and you’ll be sent a link with further information.
Definitely come and say hello to me on social media, and come and see me on Instagram and Facebook. And I will try and respond on Twitter. I shared my gripes with Twitter in the previous episode, I feel like I was being a little bit hard on it. I didn’t mean to be, sorry, Twitter and the Twitter community, I do think it’s a really awesome social media tool. I just, I’m still kind of learning it. So yeah, come and find me on social media come and say “Hi!”
Also there is a free community on Facebook called The Stellium Astrology Community. So come and join me there too.
That’s kind of it for today.
So thanks very much for listening. I’m going to offer some pointers for you over the next couple of episodes about books that you can read and also how to get some free astrology software, so tune in.
Take care! Bye now.
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