Uranus entered Taurus on the 15th May and I know a few people with planets or angles in the fixed signs, who felt the ingress in a particularly prominent way. Its been a shake-up for some, an awakening for others and for all has brought in a necessity for change in particular areas of their lives. As disturbing and unwelcome Uranus can be in some cases, it can be a welcome liberation as well, with freedom from situations which once had no perceivable exit.
Kīlauea and Hawaii
Stability for some residents of Hawaii has been completely removed. Many have been evacuated from their homes with the eruption of active volcano Kīlauea. The eruption was preceded by many earthquakes during the final degrees and minutes of Uranus in Aries, before the ingress into Taurus. I had been expecting an event like an earthquake – astrology can be so literal sometimes – but actually I had omitted the inclusion of Mars making a hard aspect from Aquarius (the sign Uranus rules) creating an erratic and uncontrollable burst of heat from under the earth. Sadly Hawaii is in dire straits as Kīlauea continues to reek havoc on the residents with the county ordering evacuations for all of Leilani Estates, which according to the 2010 U.S. Census has a population of 1,500.
On a societal level, Uranus’ ingress to Taurus has been very positive with big changes which liberate many, giving them legal right to choose control of their bodies, their personal data and their right to privacy and freedom from archaic traditions and antiquated systems.
Freedom, Conception and Choice
Scientists have found the cause for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) – this very exciting news for one in ten women – including myself – who suffer from the painful condition. This could very well be a break-through in fertility and family planning in coming years, with the likelihood that there will be a more suitable solution than putting women on the pill when their symptoms become too much to manage. The pill interrupts the natural lunar cycle of menstruation and doses the body up with oestrogen and progesterone hormones – I’ve never seen it as a reasonable solution to an issue where fertility and conception is a primary issue for those diagnosed with PCOS. Themes running here are very Venusian (Venus rules Taurus), and affecting matters of the body which Taurus rules. Science and breakthroughs are governed by Uranus.
Also relating to fertility, in Ireland we’ve already seen abortion legalised as a result of the Abortion Referendum which some have labelled “the quiet revolution”. This is an epic breakthrough with a landslide vote for the stagnant views imposed by the catholic church removing the freedom of choice for women who find themselves in a situation where they cannot accommodate their unexpected pregnancy. I am pro-choice and believe everyone should have the right to decide if they are well and able enough to bring a new life into the world. With protesters holding up signs saying “keep your theology off my biology”, “keep your rosaries off my ovaries” and “think outside my box” the overwhelming amount of voters who made this change possible were celebrating the enormous victory for human rights in Ireland on the evening of the 25th of May. Whatever your stance on this controversial subject, it is obvious that traditions are changing.
Interestingly, on the same day the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented, which is a new law affecting EU citizens overseen by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). It is a law which gives individuals more control over the personal data which companies and corporations hold about them. Taurus tends to hold on and hoard things as a way of maintaining stability and control, and Uranus represents technology, freedom and release. It’s interesting to see the sign so concerned with holding on being encouraged to let go and de-clutter. It’s a big change for the UK and a very positive move for privacy rights and is liberating having a law which demands that we get rid of old paperwork and shred data files anytime the customer decides they no longer wish for their information to be held.
The Revolution Was Televised
But of course, the most publicised and talked about Uranus in Taurus event was the Royal Wedding with Prince Harry tying the knot with ‘Suits’ actress Meghan Markle, a divorcee, feminist, and blogger, 3 years Harry’s senior and a woman of colour.
In her own words, Meghan describes her heritage “My dad is Caucasian and my mom is African American. I’m half black and half white. … I have come to embrace this and say who I am, to share where I’m from, to voice my pride in being a strong, confident, mixed-race woman.” – from Wikipedia
The wedding was a multi-cultural celebration which had social media cooing over the exciting new age that was being ushered in for Britain. Uranus did a fantastic job of breaking open the royal rituals and making way for change for the future of the royal family. I think the most beautiful thing was seeing how much Harry loves Meghan and there is no doubt in anyone’s mind that he has been allowed to marry for love and not traditional obligation.
Rage Against the Machine’s hit “Take The Power Back” echoes through my mind as I write this post, and to an extent, there has been a shift in control with the people having more of a say with issues concerning their personal information and bodies. It makes a change from the “nanny state” making choices being the concern of governing bodies with our best interests at heart (erm… really?). Crank up the volume and enjoy Rage Against The Machine, a band WAY ahead of their time.
With lead singer Zach Manuel de la Rocha‘s natal Uranus in fellow Venus ruled sign Libra, been activated by transiting Saturn in Capricorn. Zach and RATM’s rebellious back-catalogue which call for equal distribution of power could be the anthems of these interesting times with Pluto tearing through Capricorn, activating his Sun–Mercury conjunction and calling for a complete transformation in the ruling elite.

In: Long Beach (CA) (United States)
Awesome insights as per usual. I love that you have distilled the latest of our current affairs and viewed them through the lens of Astrology! Keep up the great work my friend.
Thanks so much Seana, I just had to get my observations down! Hopefully I will be able to stay on top of the news a bit more, I’ve been in my little cave for quite some time!
Very much enjoyed the post and just to mention a couple of Uranus in Taurus events that have happened since you wrote the article,one is a significant earthquake felt by people in Lincolnshire at about 11.15 pm yesterday,a budgie fell off it’s perch and furniture shook,they happen about 20 times a year in the UK but it will be interesting to see if they become more frequent,which could happen now Uranus has moved into Taurus.On a personal level,I have just been told that my flat will require a complete rewiring,the wiring can no longer be considered safe.I believe Uranus rules electricity and of course,Taurus is to do with security and structure,the electrician will need to make holes in walls and ceilings and I will need to redecorate,long overdue! Venus the ruler of Taurus is to do with beauty.Astrology is amazing.I did want this to be for everyone to read,if that is OK Stefanie? I can retype it if necessary,but not sure where exactly to post it.Please let me know.
Astrology is amazing, David! Uranus definitely is associated with electricity and having your flat rewired will certainly cause a few imperfections in the structure until it is done! Once complete and you have redecorated you will definitely feel the benefits of Uranus in Taurus. A welcome change after a lot of hard work! Is Uranus in your 4th house?
Uranus is in Cancer,in 9th house,natally ,so Uranus in Cancer is an indication of sudden electrical change in the home! Uranus is actually transiting my 7th at the moment so I think that is more to do with changes in relationships.Interestingly I have transiting Pluto opposite Uranus,at the moment, so that could possibly be an indication.Also Mars is transiting my 4th and is conjunction my Sun and Venus in 4th! Sorry I could go on forever about Astrology!
That’s so interesting David as I have transiting 11H Uranus opposing my natal 5H Pluto! It’s also creating a t-square with my 8H Mercury–Venus conjunction in Aquarius so I am compelled to write and share findings with my community! I love astrology, it’s insights really enrich my life. I love hearing how it enriches the lives of others as well so please do go on if you like, it’s great to share insight!