January starts with an adrenaline injection in your commitments and shared commodities zone as you begin to wind down from taking care of everyone else over the festive period.
Find yourself in the presence of children, or thinking about them as you get back into your daily routine and creating some order at home; your ruling planet Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 5th of January and you find yourself seeking some enjoyment and investing some time in things that bring your pleasure.
The following day, the New Moon in Capricorn and partial solar eclipse reiterates, inspiring a romance with the things you love to do. As a result, the unfolding of a new phase is instigated which helps you to reconnect with the simple pleasures in life, igniting a spark within you which has been asleep for a long time.
The Full Moon highlights an the sacrifices you’ve had to make, and it’s likely you’ll feel like taking a step back during this period to retreat and review the the thinks you’ve had to give up in order to make it to 2019! Time alone will be a great for you to to think about what is really important to you and make sense of your next movements through the new year.
Virgo Key Dates
04) Sun sextile Jupiter | Mercury trine Uranus
05) Mercury enters Capricorn
08) Mercury square Mars
13) Mercury conjunct Saturn | Jupiter square Neptune
14) Mercury semi-sextile Jupiter | Mercury sextile Neptune | ¼ Moon 23°48’ Aries at 06:46
18) Mercury conjunct Pluto | Venus trine Mars
23) Sun quintile Mars | Mercury square Uranus
24) Mercury semi-square Neptune | Mercury enters Aquarius
Read more:
Venus Retrograde 2018 | Bipolarity And Lacking Clarity
Mars Retrograde 2018 | The Peak of the Furnace
Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It
Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom
Mercury Retrograde November 2018 | Hammer Of The Gods