Taking a break with friends could be just what the doctor ordered; a change of environment without the responsibilities of the daily grind will help shake off the stress and complications of life.

Even the things you used to enjoy for enjoyment’s sake feel as though they’ve become a sense of duty, so getting back in touch with a sense of fun (and the people who bring this out in you) will be medicine for your soul.

Are you in the place you really want to be? If not, the rest will help you feel energised and able to steer yourself in the direction you want to go.

Sow seeds of positive intention around the New Moon in Leo (August 1) – you’ll feel re-calibrated and ready to watch your plans begin to bloom.

Read more:

Creating a New Moon Wish List

Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It

Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom