The Astrological Zodiac is made up of 12 signs – the eleventh of which is Fixed Air sign, activist Aquarius.
In episode #023 I discuss the Zodiac’s abstract thinker at his best and worst, and explore a few Aquarian charts of celebrities and subscribers.
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The Zodiac Signs: Aquarius
Aquarius is a Fixed Air Sign

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac commencing at the heart of winter when the days are short and cold in the northern hemisphere. Aquarius season coincides with Imbolc (Candlemas) and Valentines day.
*This does not make Aquarius a water sign, though he often is mistaken as one due to his water-bearing image!
Subscriber Charts

Would you look at that heavy anchoring of planets scraping the bottom of this natal chart?! Soooo much Capricorn! But trailing behind all the ‘goaty’ stuff is an Aquarius Sun poking his head out from the depths in search for a little fresh air!
Now, I do get the sense of a lot of heavy expectation for this Stellium with unconventional Uranus, nebulous Neptune, mindful Mercury, serious Saturn and attractive Venus completing this sequence of planets. And being placed in the fourth house, the expectation and responsibility is almost certainly connected to traditional family values.
However, that fifth house Aquarius Sun might have something to say about that! There are two types of Aquarian—Saturnian and Uranian—So depending on they type Tracey is, she could be comfortable with these expectations, or totally push back and do things her own way, upsetting the status-quo.
With chart ruler Venus retrograde in Capricorn, she certainly won’t be reaching the heights other people set for her in a hurry. Tracey will be going on her own journey to discover her true values which she will apply in all areas of her life. And Aquarians almost always opt for humanistic equality and fairness.
Ashley Mae

Another chart, almost identical to the previous as Ashley was born 6 days prior to Tracey. They have almost the exact same line-up of planets, but Ashely also has her Moon in Capricorn and her Aquarius Sun falls in the fourth house.
So again, family takes on a particularly strong emphasis with this chart, and this is someone who won’t fit into the typical ‘cookie cutter’ of their family’s expectations.
If she comes from a large family then it’s possible she could feel like one of many, and her way of standing out was to develop her own unique gifts which helped to make her stand out.
Home may have had a community feel making Ashley feel at home in social situations, able to relate to people from all walks of life.
That said with so many planets below the horizon this is a private and boundaried chart and it could take a while to really get to know her.
➡️ Ashely’s Moon is on Tracey’s IC and I bet they would have a lot of similar stories to exchange about their early life and upbringing! I would imagine with packed fourth houses like these, both Tracey and Ashley would uncover some interesting finds in their family genealogy, should they decide to pursue it.
Celebrity Charts
➡️ View Harry Styles on Astro Databank
➡️ View Eddie Izzard on Astro Databank
➡️ View Sheryl Crow on Astro Databank
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