The Astrological Zodiac is made up of 12 signs – the fourth sign is Cardinal Water sign, crabby Cancer.
The Sun’s ingress to this sign marks the Summer Solstice. In episode #016 I discuss astrology’s considerate crustaceans at their best and worst.
Join me as I explore Cancer in some celebrity and subscriber natal charts.
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The Zodiac Signs: Cancer
Cancer is a Cardinal Water Sign

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac. Beginning at the Summer Solstice, winter is a mere memory and the daylight hours in the northern hemisphere are at their longest. Cancer season coincides with with the height of summer where shorts and a t-shirt are acceptable attire, and al fresco is the only way to dine!
Subscriber Charts

My super-subscriber and star-student, Vanessa, has a stellium in the Cardinal Water sign, caring Cancer.
Her stellium is made up of Venus (her chart ruler), her Moon (which is in rulership in Cancer), Jupiter and her Sun. That’s both her Luminaries plus her chart ruler in this wonderfully watery placement! Chiron is also there but not usually considered part of a stellium.
Fortunately she does have some Earth to ground her including Mars in Taurus plus Taurus rising (which is ruled by Venus in Cancer), and another stellium to complete a see-saw of planets in mountain climbing Capricorn, opposing her Cancarian planet-fest! A crabby and capricious combo!
Celebrity Charts
➡️ View Princess Diana on Astro Databank
➡️ View Keanu Reeves on Astro Databank
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