The Astrological Zodiac is made up of 12 signs – the twelfth and final sign of which is Mutable Water sign, perceptive Pisces.
In episode #024 I discuss the zodiac’s most compassionate sign and her best and worst qualities.
Join me as I explore our oceanic zodiac sign’s presence in the charts of celebrities and subscribers.
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The Zodiac Signs: Pisces
Sagittarius is a Mutable Fire Sign

Pisces is the twelfth sign of the Zodiac. Pisces season begins at the tipping point between winter and spring where the ice and frost begins to thaw and the light and dark in the northern hemisphere are in balance. Pisces season coincides with with Ostara and the precedes the much anticipated springtime.
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Jupiter which rules her Sagittarius planets is in alluring Scorpio (highlighted in blue). Jupiter is a bit wide to be considered part of the stellium which spans her third and fourth house.

There’s a fair amount of water in Angelique’s natal chart, most prominently her Sun and Mercury in Pisces in the 5th house of hobbies, children and affairs of the heart.
She also has Mars in Scorpio rising which makes a soft aspect to her sun, fuelling her interest in 5th house matters, and may also give her a feisty edge! Though she may not use this feistiness in a super-direct way – unless she uses it to fight a cause that she really cares about.

Another watery chart! Moon, Jupiter, Midheaven, Chiron and Pluto in water signs!
In this chart you can see Tracey has a Pisces Moon in the 6th house which is sextile her Natal Neptune (modern ruler of Pisces). This gives Tracey a super-Piscean feel to her lunar placement and indicates she needs to do something meaningful in her work.
She may struggle to have a regular routine and may flourish in chaos, there could have been a health issue which caused this, or she may do caring work, potentially in healthcare where she is able to help others in need.
Paired with her Aquarius Sun it certainly feels as though she has the fire to work towards a cause and wants to leave the world in a better condition than when she got here.
Celebrity Charts
Sun in Pisces Rhianna exudes that dreamy Piscean allure, he back story describes some of the more challenging aspects a Pisces can face growing up.
She has a lot of cardinal energy in her chart with her Moon and Venus rising in fiery Aries Ascendant PLUS Jupiter in Aries in her first house, and Saturn, Uranus and Neptune high up in the 9th House hovering round her Midheaven.
➡️ View Rhianna on Astro Databank
Steve Carrell
I just had to share Pisces Moon Steve Carrell’s chart. A hugely successful comedic actor, we all recognise him from at least one of his roles. But for me it has to be his most notable performance as Michael Scott, Regional Manager for Dunder Mifflin Scranton Branch.
Yep, his role in The Office—The most streamed TV Series on Netflix in 2020—as the spotlight-hogging, highly-sensitive and over-emotional boss who has no sense of boundaries and turns everything he does into a performance.
Carrell was born just after a Full Moon with his Sun in the final degrees of Leo, and his Moon opposite in the early degrees of Pisces in conjunction with exaggerator Jupiter who expands his overly-emotional lunar placement into epic proportions.
It is ridiculous to watch the way he behaves and has viewers swaying between endearment to disbelief as his toddler-esque narcissistic personality displays an overblown example of the Leo-Pisces combination.
His Virgo ascendant saves the day as common sense prevails – occasionally!
➡️ View Steve Carrell on Astro Databank
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