The Astrological Zodiac is made up of 12 signs – the ninth of which is Mutable Fire sign, exaggattarius… oops! I meant to say Sagittarius.
In episode #021 I discuss astrology’s noble steed at his best and worst. Join me as I explore some Sagittarian celebrity and subscriber charts.
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The Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius
Sagittarius is a Mutable Fire Sign
Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac. Sagittarius season begins at the tipping point between the autumn and winter seasons where the days in the northern hemisphere get noticeably shorter and colder. Sagittarius season coincides with with Thanksgiving and the exciting run-up to Christmas where everyone is in a fun and festive mood.
Subscriber Charts
Katie G

One of my wonderful subscribers, Katie, has a fiery stellium in Sagittarius including Uranus, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Neptune.
Jupiter which rules her Sagittarius planets is in alluring Scorpio. Jupiter is a bit wide to be considered part of the stellium which spans her third and fourth house.

Would you look at that Sagittarius stellium rising up on the eastern horizon? This is Leflora’s chart, another of my wonderful subscribers. Leflora has Sun, Ascendant, Uranus, Venus, Saturn and Mercury in Sagittarius. This means she was born at sunrise. It’s a similar stellium to Katie’s (above) but has a decidedly different feel to it as some of the planets are different.
The ruling planet of her stellium is Jupiter in Aquarius which happens to be in conjunction with her Moon also in Aquarius.
Celebrity Charts
After sharing a little about my awesome trip to New York in 2018, I thought I’d share the USA’s birth chart for the date the declaration of independence was signed. I can’t believe I actually remembered the date correctly – not bad for a British lass but perhaps to be expected as an astrologer!
The USA has Sun in Cancer, Moon in Aquarius and Sagittarius Rising.
➡️ View the USA’s chart on Astro-Databank
Billie Eilish
Record breaker and award winner Billie Eilish has an adventurous stellium in Sagittarius at the top of her chart including her Sun, Venus and Pluto all sitting around her Midheaven (MC). Her MC isn’t included as part of the stellium as it isn’t a planet but an axis. However, it does mean that her stellium is expressed through her profession and public image.
Jupiter in Cancer is the ruler (dispositor) of her all Sagittarius planets is Jupiter in Cancer.
She also has a stellium in Aquarius including her Moon, Uranus and Neptune giving her a super quirky and original flavour. She’ll never do what’s expected of her.
➡️ View Billie Eilish on Astro Databank
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