The Astrological Zodiac is made up of 12 signs – the eighth of which is Fixed Water sign, secretive Scorpio.
In episode #020 I discuss astrology’s strategic scorpion at her best and worst, followed by an exploration of some sizzling Scorpionic celebrity and subscriber natal charts.
This week, Archer insisted on having a starring role in the show, he strutted in to the room in the grand way he always does, and then pulled down a load of books and papers…in the way he always does!
He’s a naughty boy, but sooo loveable and funny we always forgive his antics. I wonder if Archer has some Scorpio in his chart?!
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The Zodiac Signs: Scorpio
Scorpio is a Fixed Water Sign

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the Zodiac. Scorpio season is at the point of autumn where the plants and foliage are decaying and the leaves are dropping. It is also when we celebrate the thinning of the veil between this world and the spirit realm: Hallowe’en.
Subscriber Charts
This is Laura’s chart; she has a Scorpio stellium comprising of alluring Pluto, her Sun, stoic Saturn and mischievous Mercury. Saturn is Laura’s chart ruler as it is the ruling planet of her Capricorn ascendant.
The traditional ruler of Scorpio, Mars (which is the dispositor of her stellium) is in responsible Capricorn. Saturn and Mars are in mutual reception (in each other’s signs) so in a sense they’re house sitting for each other and on the phone whenever they have a problem, coming up with useful solutions for each other!
Not only that, but they’re sextile as well! A very positive relationship between these two planets and signs who are both concerned with strategy and control.
Celebrity Charts
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➡️ View Katy Perry on Astro-Databank
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